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Myrepublicid 推特数据 Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities,Social Networks,Email and Messaging Classification
3.28M 172
地面真相标签 Amzn 电影评论数据集 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Movies and TV Shows,Programming,Biology,Music,Retail and Shopping Classification
35.79M 231
地面鹦鹉声乐数据集 Earth and Nature,Biology,Universities and Colleges,Animals,Australia Classification
1.53M 197
彗星通信0x Business,Earth and Nature Classification
0.33M 175
张量流变压器 Earth and Nature Classification
2.13M 178
大学 2017 年数据 Earth and Nature,Universities and Colleges Classification
0.35M 187
森林类型 Business,Image Data,Earth Science,Forestry Classification
0.07M 211
房屋价格数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
0.03M 172
DARPA LAGR 室外机器人导航图像 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Programming,Image Data,Computer Vision,Robotics Classification
2612.63M 195
数字识别数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
121.97M 223
人工智能项目的数据 Earth and Nature Classification
53.68M 200
鲨鱼攻击抽象 Earth and Nature,Demographics,Mortality Classification
0.33M 178
新加坡污染数据 Earth and Nature Classification
0.07M 193
古人防御 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Games,Data Visualization,Exploratory Data Analysis Classification
0M 167
索托伦特 2018 12 09 Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Software,Programming Classification
0M 230
特朗普照片 Arts and Entertainment,Image Data,Computer Vision Classification
681.78M 273
人群计数 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Programming,Music,Image Data Classification
1840.52M 560
艺术图片:绘画/绘画/雕塑/雕刻 Earth and Nature,Art Classification
350.29M 234
尼泊尔新闻数据集(小型) Earth and Nature,News,Text Data,Linguistics,Text Mining Classification
3.99M 205
2000-2016年能量数据集(突尼斯) Earth and Nature Classification
0M 422