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串行部分显微镜重建 Earth and Nature Classification
1.35M 168
街景房屋编号 (SVHN) Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Programming,Image Data,Classification,Computer Vision Classification
4279.53M 192
在 iOS 上记录的数字手势 Business,Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Internet Classification
86.14M 177
拖网蝙蝠的运动协调 Earth and Nature,Travel,Animals Classification
13.54M 174
电影评论 Movies and TV Shows Classification
3.35M 194
来自融资平台的情绪分析 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Finance Classification
19.01M 444
CBO - 巴西奥库帕科埃的克拉菲卡奥 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Religion and Belief Systems,Government,Multiclass Classification,Brazil Classification
16.47M 174
示例图像 Arts and Entertainment,Image Data Classification
2554.16M 182
手写字符 Earth and Nature,Classification,Deep Learning,Computer Vision Classification
697.76M 473
MOOC 视频样式 该数据集包含MOOC平台中使用的三种不同视频制作风格的图像帧,特别是在计算机编程课程中。-讲头(讲师讲时的头)-幻灯片(演示幻...Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Education,Image Data Classification
130M 222
np - pd - plt Earth and Nature Classification
47.86M 159
imgnet - obj - loc - 小 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science Classification
4445.55M 153
地面植被和物体的航空图像样本 Arts and Entertainment,Demographics Classification
566.5M 166
NIPS17 对抗性学习 - 第一轮结果 Earth and Nature,Sports,Standardized Testing Classification
0.05M 226
NIPS17 对抗性学习 - 第一轮结果 Earth and Nature,Sports,Standardized Testing Classification
0.05M 176
纽约爱乐乐团演出历史 Arts and Entertainment,Music Classification
245.92M 372
外交(VISA)移民印度 2010-2014 Earth and Nature,Government,India,Global Classification
5.51M 214
用于自动视频编辑的视频 Blooper 数据集 Arts and Entertainment,Deep Learning,Multiclass Classification,People,Video Data Classification
1154.53M 225
IMDB 电影回顾数据集 Earth and Nature,Movies and TV Shows,NLP,Classification Classification
62.81M 387
动漫脸 Arts and Entertainment,Image Data,Computer Vision,Anime and Manga,Clustering,Research Classification
217.24M 203