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软件操作数据,已处理和标 Business,Earth and Nature,Software Classification
9526.05M 429
心脏风险问题 Education,Heart Conditions Classification
0.34M 163
我的世界皮肤 Arts and Entertainment,Image Data,Video Games,Computer Vision Classification
15.69M 173
来自多站点 MRI 数据集的 QC 指标 Earth and Nature,Image Data,Neuroscience Classification
3.06M 221
UCI SECOM 数据集 Earth and Nature,Feature Engineering,Categorical Data,Manufacturing Classification
5.78M 365
NBA 总决赛球队统计 Arts and Entertainment,Basketball Classification
0.03M 164
标普500强前31个变量#x2B值 Business,Earth and Nature,Finance Classification
1.72M 176
泰坦尼克号幸存者预测 Arts and Entertainment Classification
0.09M 243
用于机器学习的 MovieLens 20M 海报 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Deep Learning,Recommender Systems Classification
364.56M 252
数独统计 Arts and Entertainment,Puzzles Classification
0.02M 179
10 猴子物种 Earth and Nature,Biology,Image Data,Animals Classification
553.68M 418
硅谷多元化数据 Business,Earth and Nature,News,Demographics,United States,Employment Classification
1.08M 163
电影和剧院 Movies and TV Shows Classification
1.25M 197
纽约城市大学 (CUNY) 数据 Earth and Nature,Universities and Colleges,Socrata Classification
5.89M 506
纽约市警察局纪律处分 Earth and Nature,Socrata,Public Safety Classification
0.07M 201
纽约警民遭遇导致投诉 Earth and Nature,Socrata Classification
0.08M 173
纽约文化事务部 Earth and Nature,Socrata,Government,Dance Classification
0.76M 162
美国数据科学家就业市场 Business,Earth and Nature,Classification,Data Visualization,Data Cleaning,Categorical Data Classification
54.49M 397
Imdb 数据集 Arts and Entertainment,Linear Regression,Random Forest Classification
0.3M 201
电影最弱 Movies and TV Shows Classification
1034.57M 232