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5000部IMDB电影多变量分析 Movies and TV Shows Classification
1.79M 299
南大洋微生物浓度 Biology,Earth Science,Antarctica Classification
0.03M 380
手机传奇邦邦 Arts and Entertainment Classification
0M 276
突尼斯统计 Earth and Nature Classification
0M 631
ICLR 2017审查 Business,Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Education,Online Communities,Ratings and Reviews,Literature,Linguistics,Artificial Intelligence,Research Classification
10.19M 269
杰塔语料库 Earth and Nature Classification
127.96M 577
通用树库 Earth and Nature Classification
113.6M 586
同步加速器数据集 Business,Earth and Nature,Chemistry Classification
0.07M 362
意见词典 Business,Earth and Nature Classification
0.06M 634
维基百科编辑 Earth and Nature Classification
0.12M 277
金墨语料库 Earth and Nature Classification
0.78M 262
就职典礼 Earth and Nature,Government,History Classification
0.74M 565
提交redhat Business,Earth and Nature Classification
2.62M 265
形状库 形状库...Common Classification
455M 627
手写数学表达式 上下文如果你曾经排过数学表达式,你可能会想: 如果我能给一个手写的表达式拍张照片,让它自动识别出来,不是很棒吗?这个数据集...Arts and Entertainment,Artificial Intelligence Classification
65.92M 641
美国新闻和世界报道’大学数据 Earth and Nature,News,Universities and Colleges Classification
0.07M 585
作者消除歧义 Business,Earth and Nature,Literature Classification
23.1M 581
RiseInTemp 数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
0.02M 343
IMDB 电影数据 Movies and TV Shows Classification
1.43M 499
SVHN 预处理片段 Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities,Image Data,Classification,Deep Learning,Multiclass Classification Classification
1206.46M 588