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斯坦福大学Sentiment140情感分析数据集 Sentiment140数据集是斯坦福大学的一个课堂项目产生的一个用于情感分析的数据集,数据抓取自twitter;这个流行的数据集能让你完...MNIST Classification
77.6M 1148
90.17M 1079
斯坦福汽车图像数据集 Cars 数据集包含 196 类汽车的 16,185 张图像。数据分为 8,144 张训练图像和 8,041 张测试图像,其中每个类别大致分为 50-50 个...Autonomous Driving Classification
1.82G 1527
斯坦福大学-犬类数据集 The Stanford Dogs dataset contains images of 120 breeds of dogs from around the world. This dataset has been built using...Animal 2D Box,Image Caption
756.8M 2572
斯坦福MSA补充 #数据集此数据集由Jesse Montgomery创建,发布于CC0:Public Domain#Contents下。它包含以下文件:Version3(8.26 MB)calendar_vi...Health Classification
2.7M 468
斯坦福汽车数据集,Keras ImageGenerator一起使用的斯坦福汽车数据集 ContextThis is the Stanford car dataset. The difference is the .zip file contains all the images with this structure: -...Automobiles and Vehicles,Multiclass Classification Classification
1.83G 756
斯坦福大学:cs231n Image Data Classification
177.64M 465
斯坦福开放警务项目- Bundle 1 Law,Crime,Public Safety Classification
2155.25M 355
斯坦福自然语言推理 (SNLI) 语料库的 Jsonl 格式 这是斯坦福大学自然语言推理(snLI)语料库的1.0版本。如果你使用这个语料库,请引用这篇论文: Classification
483.45M 566
斯坦福开放警务项目,许多州警方的交通和行人拦截数据 On a typical day in the United States, police officers make more than 50,000 traffic stops. The Stanford Open Policing P...Law,Public Safety Classification
1.34G 430
处理过的斯坦福汽车数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by JiHung# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Vehicle Classification
2.81G 399
斯坦福汽车数据集,车辆检测到的斯坦福汽车数据类 his dataset was derived from the original Stanford Cars Dataset, which can be downloaded here: Data,CNN,Neural Networks,Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
1.31G 662
斯坦福狗数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by RédaReleased under Database: Open Database, Contents: ? Original Authors# Contents...Animal Classification
752M 838
斯坦福开放警务项目 Others Classification
8.73M 291
手套斯坦福德 42b 和推特 Others Classification
7728.85M 367
斯坦福德校园 Others Classification
3982.53M 266
斯坦福开放警务项目 Others Classification
8.73M 504
斯坦福大学的GloVe预训练的单词向量 GloVe is an unsupervised learning algorithm for obtaining vector representations for words. Training is performed on agg...Computer Science,Sports,Retail and Shopping Classification
989.9M 492
斯坦福汽车数据集 Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Education,Music,Automobiles and Vehicles,Image Data,Classification,Computer Vision Classification
1897.86M 322
ccu cs 斯坦福德车 Others Classification
1898.02M 477