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城市清单价格 Others Classification
3.42M 427
销售价格的城市 Others Classification
1.35M 437
演示模型 Others Classification
847.96M 409
泰坦尼克数据集的分类 Business Classification
0.06M 435
电子商务销售数据集 电子商务销售数据集...E-Commerce Services Classification
43.47M 596
解压缩tsv Others Classification
469.24M 418
mercari Others Classification
469.24M 506
垃圾邮件分类数据集 ContextWell,我是数据科学世界的初学者,并决定从事自然语言处理问题的研究。所以决定使用我自己的数据集收集垃圾短信。Content...Earth and Nature Classification
22.5K 574
vgg 16重量 Others Classification
56.16M 415
标号列车数据 Others Classification
32M 426
建立ResNET Others Classification
1.29M 419
捷信测试 Others Classification
3.43M 618
airlinebefore2009 Aviation Classification
1498.31M 416
Santader 2018公众排行榜 Others Classification
1.12M 408
百度星2018列车二期 # DatasetThis dataset was created by wuwuReleased under Other (specified in description)# ContentsIt contains the follow...Beginner Classification
1339.03M 535
hdda第一实验室 Others Classification
1.76M 744
百度star 2018测试第二阶段 # DatasetThis dataset was created by wuwuReleased under Other (specified in description)# ContentsIt contains the follow...Others Classification
1833.87M 509
2018年捷信预估数据 Others Classification
5133.95M 419
代表代码:突尼斯名称 Others Classification
0.02M 412
区域统计、突尼斯 Others Classification
0.04M 424