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人资料 Others Classification
3.79M 724
美国人工资,美国人工资数据 美国成人工资,美国成人工资数据...Jobs and Career Classification
5.7M 345
2016年高级入学考试 Education,Social Science,Standardized Testing Classification
0.02M 301
423种农药(活性分)的年度县级农药使用估计数据集 该数据集包括对423种农药(活性成分)的年度县级农药使用估计,这些农药应用于毗邻美国的农作物。两种不同的方法被用来估计除加...Agriculture,Chemistry Classification
4.4M 604
纽约完艺术项目百分比 Earth and Nature,Socrata,Art Classification
0.11M 254
1980-2018年国际足部 Others Classification
2.03M 285
Others Classification
3.67M 366
资助启动器上的功项目 Business,Finance Classification
57.08M 247
2017年联合国人非特派团及其组部分 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.04M 381
按城市计算的生活本指数 Business,Investing,Demographics Classification
0.03M 248
Others Classification
29.21M 265
0.01M 276
16.63M 283
脑肿瘤检测脑核磁共振 Health,Biology,Classification,Deep Learning,Computer Vision Classification
8.27M 284
数据 V8 完 Others Classification
17.09M 235
圣何塞居民的教育 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
0M 211
SCA2 扩散张量 Neuroscience Classification
615.88M 221
人副塔雷法 4 Others Classification
5.21M 239
AI 生艺术的文档 Arts and Entertainment Classification
7.25M 211
GCSE 考试绩,预测学生绩数据集 These are the previous GCSE examination grades for the last four years at an English Underperforming School. The idea is...Education,Standardized Testing,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
70K 435