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范德情绪分析 Business Classification
7.02M 240
Twitter情绪分析数据集 ContextThe objective of this task is to detect hate speech in tweets. For the sake of simplicity, we say a tweet contain...Classification,Social Networks Classification
1.89M 581
情绪数据 Others Classification
0.09M 41
情绪 Others Classification
0.01M 40
情绪分析突尼斯评论 NLP,Text Data,Text Mining,spaCy,NLTK Classification
6.17M 201
推特情绪提取扩展 Internet,Online Communities,NLP,Text Data,Text Mining Classification
15.9M 223
航空公司审查数据进行情绪分析 NLP,Deep Learning,Time Series Analysis,Text Mining,Data Analytics Classification
3.26M 196
Tanglish情绪分析推文,使用了4个标签来描述推特的情绪 So it all started when I was looking for Abusive Tamil tweets in the Roman Script to use for a project and instead of fi...NLP,Deep Learning,Online Communities,People Classification
0.85M 270
来自wallstreetbets等的Subreddit数据,用于后验量化交易算法的情绪分析 All of the submissions to each of the r/wallstreetbets, r/investing, r/options, and r/SecurityAnalysis subreddits since...NLP,Online Communities,Investing Classification
1.49G 263
IMBD情绪分类数据集,用spacy标记并以JSON格式存储 ContextIMDB sentiment classification dataset from derived from torchtext, tokenized using spacy and then stored as JSON...NLP,Beginner,Earth and Nature,Movies and TV Shows,Text Data,Binary Classification,spaCy Classification
104.31M 257
情绪分析单元数据集 Earth and Nature,Software,NLP,Africa Classification
0M 241
情绪 NLP,Classification Classification
5956.85M 234
标题与标题情绪预测 Education,News,NLP Classification
27.62M 230