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1000万行耳其市场销售数据集,包含27万件商品81家商店10万名顾客 具有群集列存储索引的1000万行MSSQL备份文件。 此数据集包含 -27K分类土耳其超市商品。 -81家商店(土耳其每个城市都有一家商店...Others,Image Search Text
422M 1000
壤侵蚀控制相关数据集,陆地生态系统的一项关键生态系统服务,用于壤修复及流失防控 Soil erosion control is a key ecosystem service delivered by terrestrial ecosystems, mainly through vegetation cover. Tw...Environment,Environment,Earth Science Classification
1.54G 900
玉米和大豆田地覆盖的卫星数据集 These are the datasets associated with the paper:Hannah Kerner, Ritvik Sahajpal, Sergii Skakun, Inbal Becker-Reshef, Bri...Plant Classification
6.77G 645
城市地覆盖数据集 Brian Johnson; Institute for Global Environmental Strategies; 2108-11 Kamiyamaguchi, Hayama, Kanagawa,240-0115 Japan; Em...Physical Classification
142K 698
耳其垃圾邮件V01数据集 Cuneyt Ozdemir, cozdemir '@', Siirt University TBMYOData Set Information:A total of 330 spam and 49...Social Classification
2.14M 610
TTC-3600:耳其文本分类数据集的基准数据集 Assist.Prof.Dr. Deniz KILIN??, Faculty of Technology, Celal Bayar University, Turkeydrdenizkilinc'@'gmail.comDat...Computer Classification
2.5M 844
耳其种植的认证水稻 Osmancik品种和Cammeo品种数据集 Ilkay CINARGraduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Selcuk University, TURKEY,ORCID ID : 0000-0003-0611-3316lkay...Computer Classification
0M 895
耳其西北地区燃气轮机CO和NOx排放数据集,可用于研究烟气排放 Data Set Information:The dataset contains 36733 instances of 11 sensor measures aggregated over one hour (by means of av...Computer Regression
1M 1188
混凝坍落度试验数据集 Data Set Information:The data set includes 103 data points. There are 7 input variables, and 3 output variables in the d...Computer Regression
3K 873
混凝抗压强度数据集,用于工程建造 Data Set Information:Number of instances 1030Number of Attributes9Attribute breakdown8 quantitative input variables, and...Physical Regression
33K 838
4.92M 630
耳其/伊斯坦布尔-总统选举数据集 土耳其/伊斯坦布尔-总统选举数据集...Industry Classification
5.32M 490
耳其地标景点 Image Data,Multiclass Classification Classification
5367.16M 359
耳其的城市 Education,Demographics,Cities and Urban Areas,Culture and Humanities Classification
0.16M 386
年度地占用率(路易莎平台REF2014) Environment,Europe Classification
0.07M 435
3 # x2B猴;耳其电影Yonetmen yap # x131; mc # x131;, Oyuncu . .(耳其) Movies and TV Shows,Cooking and Recipes Classification
0.01M 548
2K 335
0.01M 391
JRC表有机碳(MAPPE模型) Earth and Nature,Europe Classification
224.21M 317
JRC壤保持力(LUISA平台参考2014) Business,Earth Science,Europe Classification
0.04M 329