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TMDB 附加数据 Movies and TV Shows Classification
43.56M 198
带 Bbox 的卫星像中的 CGI 平面 Arts and Entertainment,Transportation,Image Data,CNN Classification
668.61M 284
航拍像数据集 航拍图像数据集...Image Search,Deep Learning Classification
2.5G 620
五塔伦蒂诺数据集 Business,Movies and TV Shows,News Classification
0.06M 219
Im db data Corpus Movies and TV Shows Classification
210.97M 342
IMDB 功能 Movies and TV Shows Classification
3.84M 250
像猫科 Animal Classification
57.57M 303
预先训练的像数据 Image Data Classification
1076.54M 174
五下一个贝赫德尔数据集 Business,Movies and TV Shows Classification
1.43M 513
华夫饼煎饼 Image Data Classification
25.11M 198
五传记数据集 Business,Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.1M 195
五复仇者数据集 Business,Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.03M 566
常见的移动/Web 应用程序 Computer Science,Online Communities,Image Data,Mobile and Wireless Classification
720.65M 285
Python ML Ch03 Image Data Classification
4.03M 200
机器学习活动的影片示例 Education,Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.39M 268
西雅公园和娱乐数据 Socrata,People Classification
20.65M 59
编号 Image Data Classification
62.74M 175
西雅电子邮件元数据 Email and Messaging Classification
935.11M 505
天气 西雅 2005 2017 Others Classification
0.12M 398
Online Communities,Image Data,Religion and Belief Systems Classification
9.31M 549