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预处理 Image Data Classification
3K 408
感情分类的电影评论 # Dataset 这个数据集是由沙普提库创建的 CC0下发布: 公共领域 # 内容它包含以下文件:...Movies and TV Shows,Retail and Shopping Classification
7.44M 383
城市景观边缘地 # 数据集这个数据集是由 Erik Harutyunyan 创建的 # 内容它包含以下文件:...Others Classification
199.35M 400
艺术品各种风格的分类像数据(包含测试和训练数据) 艺术品各种风格的分类图像数据(包含测试和训练数据)...Deep Learning,Arts and Entertainment Classification
388.6M 473
300 张正方形、圆形和三角形的 我在处理过程中画了100个三角形、100个正方形和100个圆圈。每个 png 图像是28x28像素的图像是在3个文件夹标记为正方形,圆形和三...Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Image Data,Biology Classification
390K 721
17302.9M 271
Online Communities Classification
0.12M 548
初始版本3 Movies and TV Shows,Games Classification
83.84M 300
有毒嵌入物,拼有毒评论挑战中的通用句子编码文本 There's no need for everyone to encode the same text with the Universal Sentence EmbeddingThis data set contains the...NLP,Deep Learning,Earth and Nature Classification
610.81M 703
遮罩 Image Data Classification
1.18M 379
遮罩 Image Data Classification
0.13M 367
蜜蜂像数据集,注释的蜜蜂像;带有位置、日期、健康和更多标签的蜜蜂 Every third bite of food relies on pollination by bees. At the same time, this past winter honeybee hive losses have exc...Agriculture,Image Data,Biology,Animals,Environment Classification
52.2M 548
数据1 Image Data Classification
2245.44M 642
基于许多不同类别的船舶/无船舶标记的卫星船舶片数据集 该数据集提供了来自可见光谱的光学航拍图像的海上场景。MASATI 数据集包含动态海洋环境中的彩色图像,它可以用于评估船舶检测方...Business Classification
4.4G 665
北京地 Others Classification
1.32M 338
最新 IMDB Business,Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.1M 295
狗种分类器,用于构建具有狗和人像的狗应用程序的数据集 Dog-Breed classifier Dataset for building the Dog app having dog and human images...Animal,Deep Learning Classification
1.2G 549
人脸边缘肖像像数据,黑色背景数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Brad Lee# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Person,Face Classification
124.39M 295
用户面部的掩码数据集(可能不包括身体),该数据集用于将人群与背景像分开 This data is a mask of user face (might not include body). It does not contain Image file. Therefore should use with [Sh...Image Data,Computer Vision,People Classification
6.58G 474
从组织学像识别细胞核,组织学像数据集 Machine learning model for identifying cell nuclei from histology images. The model having the ability to generaliz...Beginner,Data Visualization,Computer Science,Health,Image Data,CNN,Biology Classification
387.42M 417