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药物组的扩散映射 Health Classification
5.23M 316
纽约出租车与 DIMACS 相结 Others Classification
230.45M 263
0.95M 171
1K 236
国投票 Others Classification
0.19M 224
nlsy 并. dta Others Classification
138.96M 156
转到集 Others Classification
0.14M 17
萨坦德 Others Classification
29.97M 487
320.73M 168
MFC 数据复测试数据 Business Classification
0.27M 174
NYS 主要层同和项目状态 Earth and Nature,Socrata Classification
0.6M 545
并 acq perf Others Classification
1783.23M 22
斯坦主要综征(PCOS) Image Data Classification
2.81M 219
2019 NFL球探组 Software,Sports,Text Data Classification
0.02M 456
包含内容的UCI新闻聚器数据集 Earth and Nature,Education,Online Communities,News,NLP,Linguistics Classification
16.11M 274
暹罗+;奏[LB 0.824] Music Classification
0.49M 321
舞者综动态网络 Business,Arts and Entertainment Classification
41.8M 287
Elo U混 Others Classification
460.74M 166
带注释的成车牌数据,标有车牌号和车牌角位置和字母 Annotated Synthetic License Plates Annotated with License Number and corner locations of plate and letters...Image Data,Automobiles and Vehicles,Literature Classification
12.9G 368
推特、电影/书评的综数据集。 Movies and TV Shows Classification
129.71M 214