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新植物病害数据集,包含不同健康和不健康作物片的图像数据集 该数据集由大约87K rgb的健康和患病作物叶片图像组成,这些图像被分为38个不同的类别。整个数据集被分成80/20比例的训练和验证集...Agriculture 2D Box
3G 1732
大豆..数据集,毛虫和Diabrotica Speciosa危害大豆片,5万份大豆样本 For this dataset, we used 50k soybean samples collected from thematic maps produced by the Global Land AnalysisDiscovery...Agriculture Classification
822M 969
片数据集 PyTorch Classification
6.75M 991
片病害 转发分享...Agriculture 2D Panoptic Segmentation
87.26M 1153
小麦片病害 小麦白粉病、叶锈病和条锈病3种病害...Agriculture No Label
25.78M 711
西红柿 西红柿叶...Agriculture 2D Box
180.39M 530
葡萄图像数据集 葡萄藤的主要产品是新鲜或加工的葡萄。此外,葡萄叶作为副产品每年收获一次。葡萄叶的种类在价格和口味方面很重要。在这项研究中...Agriculture Image Caption
108.7M 1250
plantvillage 番茄子数据集 plantvillage 番茄叶子数据集...Plant,Earth and Nature Classification
443M 2171
毛里求斯大学农场附近的植物树数据集 Data Set Information:- The leaves were placed on a white background and then photographed. - The pictures were taken in...Agriculture Classification
1.8G 985
100种植物片数据集 Data Set Information:For Each feature, a 64 element vector is given per sample of leaf. These vectors are taken as a con...Life Classification
35.1M 946
UCI树图片数据集 UCI Folio Leaf 是不同种类树叶的图片数据集,包含 32 中不同的树叶种类,每类 20 张左右的图像;叶子取自毛里求斯大学农场和附...Action/Event Detection Classification
927.24M 824
水稻片病害数据集 Jitesh P. Shah, Email: jitesh2k12 '@', Institute: Department of Information Technology, Dharmsinh Desa...Computer Classification
36.7M 1870
数据集,可用于植物物种识别系统 Data Set Information:For further details on this dataset and/or its attributes, please read the 'ReadMe.pdf' fil...Computer Classification
78M 1063
水稻子感染的不同的疾病类数据集 The dataset was created by manually separating infected leaves into different disease classes.We had consulted the farme...Agriculture Classification
14.88G 2860
和石油价格的数据 # DatasetThis dataset was created by jegramsReleased under World Bank Dataset Terms of Use# ContentsIt contains the foll...Others Classification
0.02M 836
植物疾病数据集,包含苹果、西红柿等子等数据 植物疾病数据集,包含苹果、西红柿等叶子等数据...Biology Classification
1.6G 599
植物病虫害数据集,应用于从片分析植物的疾病 植物病虫害数据集,应用于从叶片分析植物的疾病The different versions of the dataset are present in the raw directory :colo...Others Classification
3.1G 821
天真的贝 Others Classification
0.01M 314
植物子数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Luuu5b25# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Plant Classification
819M 615
营养不足数据集 Health,Biology Classification
0.01M 435