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加州理工学院鸟类图像数据集(200) Caltech-UCSD Birds 200(CUB-200)是一个图像数据集,包含200种鸟类(主要是北美洲)的照片。...Image Search Classification
647M 943
自然环境下鱼类标注数据集,该数据集包括鱼类、无脊椎动物和海床的图像 The labeled fishes in the wild image dataset is provided by NOAA Fisheries (National Marine Fisheries Service) to encour...Action/Event Detection Classification
423.78M 918
动物属性标记数据集 此数据集提供了一个基准传输学习算法的平台,特别是属性基础分类和**零镜头学习[1]。它可以作为原始动物的属性*(AwA)*数据集 [...Action/Event Detection Classification
13G 997
NEC Toy Animal 动物玩偶图像数据集 包含 60个 动物玩偶的 5000张 不同角度图像,每个玩偶约 72个 角度连续拍摄的照片图像,可用于物体3D、图像识别等任务。数据引用...Image Search Classification
583M 1028
猫的图片数据集 包括9000多幅猫图像 CAT数据集包括9,000多幅猫图像。对于每个图像,猫的头都有9个点的注释,其中2个是眼睛,一个是嘴巴,6个是耳朵。数据内容:批注...Action/Event Detection,Animal,Image Search Classification
2G 1222
斯坦福大学-犬类数据集 The Stanford Dogs dataset contains images of 120 breeds of dogs from around the world. This dataset has been built using...Animal 2D Box,Image Caption
756.8M 2562
Squid Giant Axon Membrane Potentia The applied stimulus current profiles can be divided into two groups: Stochastically summated polysynaptic currents (PSC...Animal 2D Box
901.7M 974
MICRO Motion capture data This project contains head movement data recorded from groups of participants asked to stand as still as possible and pr...Animal Image Caption,Audio
64.2M 560
四足哺乳动物数据集 Data Set Information:The file animals.c is a data generator of structured instances representing quadruped animals as us...Life Classification
4K 658
猫和狗的图像数据集 猫和狗的图像数据集...Animal Classification
817.76M 884
Dog VS Cat 猫和狗数据集2 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Mahlet BorenaReleased under CC0: Public Domain# ContentsIt contains the following f...Animal Classification
133.2M 719
猫和狗数据集 猫和狗数据集...Arts and Entertainment Classification
543.7M 647
狗和猫 #数据集此数据集由hellokugo#Contents创建,其中包含以下文件:Version1(500.01 kB)calendar_view_weeksubmission_file.csv...Arts and Entertainment Classification
202K 596
西雅图宠物执照数据集,2005年至20年初,西雅图动物收容所发放的宠物许可证 作为西雅图市正在进行的开放数据计划的一部分,西雅图市提供了从2005年到2017年初发放的宠物许可证数据库。数据也可以从 Socrata...Social Issues and Advocacy,Animals Classification
4.54M 741
热狗-不是热狗 Arts and Entertainment Classification
46.31M 636
狗和猫图片数据,图像分类 狗和猫图片数据,图像分类...Online Communities Classification
435M 568
蜜蜂和新型杀虫剂 Earth and Nature,Biology,Animals,Environment,Agriculture Classification
0.18M 502
非洲蜜蜂数据集 非洲蜜蜂数据集...Biology Classification
613.7K 1014
动物园新 Others Classification
4K 899
狗的品种分类数据集 狗的品种分类数据集...Animal Classification
695M 1056