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5.4M 359
图像分类 Online Communities,Image Data Classification
142.13M 345
汽车符号分类 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
0.02M 260
分类数据培训 Animal Classification
4K 246
新闻数据集没有分类 Animal Classification
75.43M 275
推特分类拥抱脸 Computer Science,NLP,Classification,Text Data,Beginner,PyTorch Classification
0.02M 285
问题章节分类,你能把问题分成正确的章节吗? 在印度,每年都有少数学生参加竞争性考试,如JEE Advanced、JEE Mains、NEET等。据说,这些考试是进入印度一流学院(如IIT、NIT...NLP,Classification,Text Data,Multiclass Classification,NLTK Classification
36.2M 467
品酒师给出的葡萄酒评论数据 ,使用文本分类来对评论中的评论者进行分类 Thinking of Natural Language Processing as a beginner!!The dataset has been about the wine comments or reviews that has...NLP,Business,News,Text Data,Multiclass Classification,Alcohol Classification
50.35M 705
电子邮件分类NLP Business,Computer Science,Internet,Email and Messaging,NLP Classification
0.1M 288
NLP:报告和新闻分类 Social Science,Investing,NLP,Literature,Environment,Binary Classification,Multilabel Classification,Water Bodies Classification
0.03M 262
电子邮件文本分类 If you are working, then you are bound to face the problem of reading all the emails that are cluttered in your inbox. S...NLP,Business,Classification,Arts and Entertainment,News,Text Data Classification
18.22M 329
泰米尔二进制分类1K tweets标签V1 NLP,Classification Classification
0.38M 301
Stackoverflow问题分类挑战 ContextAsking questions is a part of learning. There's no shame in not knowing something and coming to others for he...NLP Classification
6.37M 712
IMBD情绪分类数据集,用spacy标记并以JSON格式存储 ContextIMDB sentiment classification dataset from derived from torchtext, tokenized using spacy and then stored as JSON...NLP,Beginner,Earth and Nature,Movies and TV Shows,Text Data,Binary Classification,spaCy Classification
104.31M 302
假新闻和真新闻数据集,对新闻进行分类 AcknowledgementsAhmed H, Traore I, Saad S. “Detecting opinion spams and fake news using text classification”, Journal...NLP,Earth and Nature,News Classification
110.98M 352
有毒评论检测多语言[扩展],Jigsaw有毒通信网络分类竞赛的补充 This is a compilation of all the toxic comment databases out there. I made this for ease of use during the Jigsaw Toxic...NLP,Deep Learning,Classification,Binary Classification Classification
117.55M 313
JigSaw有毒评论分类清理数据,竖锯评论,带感情,评论长度和翻译文本 I've been working on the JigSaw Multilingual Toxic Comment classification competition and found that the data requir...NLP,Deep Learning,Feature Engineering,Text Data Classification
263.44M 409
冠状病毒tweets NLP 文本分类 Earth and Nature,Health,NLP,Text Data Classification
10.97M 594
产品分类 NLP,Multiclass Classification Classification
1.04M 684
范围外意图分类数据集 Business,Computer Science,NLP,Classification,Multiclass Classification Classification
2.02M 662