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JRC 水面膜(MAPPE 型号) Europe Classification
47.26M 762
0.04M 399
NYFD 事件 New York Classification
606.44M 420
驼背鲸流感键点 Arts and Entertainment,Biology,Earth Science Classification
169.14M 618
理想学生生活和键因素调查的学生反馈数据 This dataset consists of Student Responses for the survey about Ideal Student Life and key factors that are important in...Exploratory Data Analysis,Education,Universities and Colleges,Survey Analysis Classification
1M 397
德国信贷相数据集 德国信贷相关数据集...Lending Classification
136K 566
情绪相文本数据集 情绪相关文本数据集...Movies and TV Shows Classification
11.3M 437
PAN 2015 精度共系表 Others Classification
0.08M 273
挑战2018火车形象 Arts and Entertainment Classification
39.99M 497
杯数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
2624.77M 506
保龄球队相数据集 保龄球队相关数据集...Others Classification
14.84M 252
急性肝衰竭,预测肝衰竭与人口统计学变量的 Cirrhosis is when scar tissue replaces healthy liver tissue. This stops the liver from workingnormally. Cirrhosis i...Health,Health Conditions Classification
1.14M 470
猜出相 Image Data,CNN Classification
166.02M 247
阿里 - - 新学 Others Classification
644.74M 233
键词 俄语2英语 Others Classification
0.15M 578
挑战2018火车形象 Arts and Entertainment Classification
39.99M 214
于悲伤的短语 Literature Classification
0.65M 494
于来自一 Others Classification
0.43M 590
于幸福的短语 Others Classification
0.85M 236
实习生相数据集 实习生相关数据集...Others Classification
5.75M 545