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森梅尔韦斯博士洗手调查数据 Arts and Entertainment,Healthcare,Medicine Classification
0M 309
全球自杀数据 Health Classification
0.28M 265
日本的长期保险 Health,Government,Insurance Classification
4.02M 372
0.01M 528
OCT 图像的分割 (DME) Health,Image Data,Eyes and Vision,Medicine Classification
194.25M 358
comparis.ch挑战 Business,Arts and Entertainment,News,Public Health,Healthcare,Regression,Feature Engineering Classification
98.32M 241
皮马糖尿病 Diabetes Classification
0.02M 184
原发性肿瘤 Cancer Classification
0.02M 188
2017年英格兰肥胖统计 Health,News,Sports,Politics,Demographics Classification
0.25M 341
威斯康星州乳腺癌数据集 该数据集来自南斯拉夫卢布尔雅那大学医疗中心肿瘤研究所,由M. Zwitter 与M. Soklic 二者提供,感谢。该数据集可在UCI数据库中找...Cancer Classification
49K 504
加纳 保健设施 Earth and Nature,Health,Healthcare,Hospitals and Treatment Centers Classification
0.33M 326
密集恐惧症,6k手动检查、标准化的密集恐惧症触发图像 This dataset was created as part of a trypophobia detection in browser project (Github) by Artur Puzio and Grzegorz Uria...Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities,Image Data,Mental Health Classification
1.68G 432
2016心理健康调查数据集 2016心理健康调查数据集...Mental Health Classification
1.03M 440
调查心理健康 2014 Mental Health Classification
0.29M 378
乳腺癌威斯康星州 Cancer Classification
0.02M 222
世界银行数据(1960-2016年) Health,Social Science,Banking,Demographics Classification
0.51M 316
2017 年 Android 良性应用的静态分析 Computer Science,Health,Feature Engineering Classification
442.75M 352
呼吸暂停-ECG数据库 Health Conditions,Heart Conditions Classification
313.12M 220
CT 医疗图像 Health,Image Data,Health Conditions,Healthcare Classification
436.93M 244
乳腺癌数据集从休息 Cancer Classification
4081.19M 244