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TKD销售区域4 -聚类数据集 # Dataset 这个数据集由 David Maillie 创建发布于 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 # 目录它包含以下文件:...Business,Economics,Data Analytics,Clustering Classification
0.01M 501
2015年突尼斯预算调查 Business Classification
0.03M 407
Foody评论 Ratings and Reviews Classification
151.1M 406
三年洗发水的销售情况,3年内每月销售的洗发水数量 This dataset describes the monthly number of sales of shampoo over a 3-year period.ContentThe units are a sales count an...Business Classification
1K 397
雅加达证券交易所 Business Classification
0.29M 714
联合利华2000 2017 Business Classification
0.19M 735
ASII.jk Business Classification
0.22M 437
开放地址-美国东北部 Business Classification
1950.33M 436
失踪的移民数据集 Business,Law,Government,Demographics,International Relations Classification
0.32M 819
《圣经》文集 Religion and Belief Systems,Linguistics Classification
427.27M 342
印度超级联赛数据(截至2016年) Business,Sports,Cricket,India Classification
6.67M 459
历史PA AFR数据 Business,Education,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
22.65M 403
银行电话营销(moro等) Business,Computer Science,Internet,Education,Programming Classification
0.47M 317
195.72M 400
梅赛德斯-奔驰美国汽车销售数据06/五月- 09/三月 Business,Economics,Marketing Classification
0M 449
德州死刑犯处决息和遗言 Law,Crime,Linguistics,Languages Classification
0.27M 388
腾讯视频的数据集(分类、浏览、点击) ContentWhat's inside is more than just rows and columns. Make it easy for others to get started by describing how yo...Travel Classification
2G 618
销售订单数据库 Business Classification
0.01M 424
kg-baidu Internet Classification
240.56M 449
消费者人口画像数据集-用于用评分 消费者人口画像-信用评分...Person,Lending Classification
12.49M 528