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Kaggle新查找 Computer Science Classification
0.65M 621
17302.9M 306
蜜蜂图像数据集,注释的蜜蜂图像;带有置、日期、健康和更多标签的蜜蜂 Every third bite of food relies on pollination by bees. At the same time, this past winter honeybee hive losses have exc...Agriculture,Image Data,Biology,Animals,Environment Classification
52.2M 651
CAT扫描定 Earth and Nature,Health,Biology,Image Data,Animals,Computer Vision,Healthcare Classification
77.74M 698
用于姿态重建的定数据,五个人佩戴定标签时的记录 These datums represent a multi-agent system for the care of elderly people living at home on their own, with the aim to...Action/Event Detection,Music,Biotechnology Classification
20.55M 495
美国成人工资,美国成人工资数据 美国成人工资,美国成人工资数据...Jobs and Career Classification
5.7M 388
OpenAddresses - 美国南部,美国南部的地址和地理 OpenAddresses's goal is to connect the digital and physical worlds by sharing geographic coordinates, street names,...Business Classification
3.4G 485
比特币 vs 阿尔特金每日统治地 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
0.13M 374
图像定数据集,这是为图像定任务(单个对象)创建的数据集 Including images and its corresponding .xml files. Before drawing bounding boxes, all images were resized to (227,227,3)...Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Image Data,Food,Computer Vision,Multiclass Classification Classification
2.76M 424
蜜蜂 Arts and Entertainment,Biology,Image Data Classification
9453.92M 455
纽约 Wi-Fi 热点 Earth and Nature,Socrata Classification
1.91M 334
招聘 Jobs and Career,Beginner,Linear Regression Classification
0M 336
标题游戏的王 Arts and Entertainment Classification
2.57M 386
清理的音数据集 Earth and Nature Classification
0.02M 323
0.71M 329
工资与工作年限相对应数据集 This is a simple data where I tried to explain simple linear regression in a simplest way. For the beginner who wan...Beginner,Linear Regression,Jobs and Career Classification
1K 501
NANL 滚动中数数据 Others Classification
12M 342
经济适用房-家庭住房单 Social Issues and Advocacy Classification
0.02M 270
经济适用房 - 高级住房单 Social Issues and Advocacy,Real Estate Classification
0.01M 284
房价中 Others Classification
0.01M 317