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用户面部的掩码数据集(可能不包括身体),该数据集用于将人群与背景图像分开 This data is a mask of user face (might not include body). It does not contain Image file. Therefore should use with [Sh...Image Data,Computer Vision,People Classification
6.58G 523
4组男性不同形态的人脸照片数据集 男性人脸照片数据集...Person,Face,Arts and Entertainment Classification
211.59M 396
表情数据集 表情数据集...Person Classification
11.9M 668
图像中的人脸检测 Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities,Software,Image Data Classification
0.26M 247
人脸识别项目,近 4000 张灰度面孔,尺寸 128x128 Face recognition project Almost 4000 grayscale faces, size 128x128...Person,Face Classification
83.93M 732
人脸关键点 News Classification
2.13M 527
48位外星人脸 Arts and Entertainment Classification
4.1M 229
人脸检测数据集 face detection...Person,Face 2D Box,Classification
219.6M 300
人脸数据集 facenet lllj lfw160 人脸数据集# DatasetThis dataset was created by lucius2018# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
450.36M 509
人脸表情识别数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Jonathan Oheix# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Person,Face Classification
53.89M 508
真假人脸检测,辨别真假人脸图像 When using social networks, have you ever encountered a 'fake identity'? Anyone can create a fake profile image...Online Communities,Image Data,Universities and Colleges,Binary Classification Classification
215.33M 402
人脸检测MobileNetV2 Others Classification
5.86M 526
RAF-DB 真实世界的情感人脸数据库 Real-world Affective Faces Database (RAF-DB) is a large-scale facial expression databasewith around 30K great-diverse fa...Person Classification
1.3G 2207
AFLW2K3D 一个包含 2000 张图像的数据集 AFLW2000-3D 是一个包含 2000 张图像的数据集,这些图像已使用图像级 68 点 3D 面部标志进行注释。该数据集通常用于评估 3D 面部...Person,Face 3D Keypoints
83.36M 555