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足球经理数据(150,000/#x2B;球员) Games,Football,Simulations Classification
36.55M 431
NBA 球员数据 2017 Sports,Basketball Classification
0.04M 241
恩卡球员 Basketball Classification
359.86M 253
国际足联世界杯2018年球员 Football Classification
0.04M 612
NBA 2000 至 2019 赛季球员薪水 Sports,Basketball Classification
1.22M 277
NBA 球员统计数据 2017 18 Basketball Classification
0.11M 255
0.06M 481
NGS数据集(球员搭档/伤病) Business Classification
4.41M 307
PANDA PANDA is the first gigaPixel-level humAN-centric video dataset, for large-scale, long-term,and multi-object visual analy...Person 2D Box
6.31G 640
JHU-CROWD++ A large-scale unconstrained crowd counting dataset.A comprehensive dataset with 4,372 images and 1.51 million annotation...Person 2D Box
2.87G 695
3D 人数据集 3D 人数据集包含具有特定几何图形表示的着装人类的第一个数据集。它包含约200万张图像,其中40位男性/ 40位女性执行70个动作。每...Pose Estimation 3D Box
0M 544
EmotioNet 面部表情数据集 The EmotioNet database includes 950,000 images with annotated AUs. These were annotated withthe algorithm described inBe...Face 2D Box
0M 2108
MPII 人体姿势数据集 MPII 人体姿势数据集是用于评估人体关节姿势估计的最先进基准。该数据集包括大约 25,000 张图像,其中包含超过 40,000 个带有注...Person Classification,2D Keypoints
11.26G 668