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博世公司车道标记数据集 Vehicle Classification
0M 926
船型数据集,1,500张各种尺寸的船只图片 文件中包含大约1,500张各种尺寸的船只图片,按不同类型分类成9个文件夹:浮标,游船,轮渡,货运船,吊船,充气船,皮划艇,纸船...Action/Event Detection,Vehicle Classification
842.4M 955
WPI Traffic Light Dataset Whole frames with label. Each folder is a type of traffic lights with their holders, and only that type is labelled (Gro...Vehicle,Autonomous Driving 3D Box Tracking
10.5G 1169
visual relationship detection database To benchmark progress in visual relationship detection, we also introduce a new dataset containing 5000 images with 37,9...Action/Event Detection 2D Box,Pose
2.16M 601
Cityscapes 立体视频数据集,包含的100,000 个高清视频 BDD Dataset 是一个视频数据集,其包含的 100,000 个高清视频序列时长超过 1100 小时,涵盖不同时间、不同天气条件和驾驶场景,...Vehicle,Autonomous Driving 2D Box,3D Model
73.5G 1446
UrbanGB 城市中心数据集标注的城市道路事故坐标 Coordinates data obtained by filtering the dataset at Clustering
2.96M 886
列车数据集 Original owners: Ryszard S. Michalski (michalski '@' and Robert SteppDonor: GMU, Center for AI, Sof...N/A Classification
25K 1143
车辆通信数据集 Data Set Information:Communications were setup based on IEEE 802.11p standards at 5.9Ghz. 10BSM (Basic Service messages)...Automobiles and Vehicles Clustering
32.8M 926
DrivFace数据库 包含真实场景中汽车驾驶时的面部图像数据 Data Set Information:DrivFace数据库包含真实场景中驾驶时的主题图像序列。它由606个样本组成,每个样本为640-480像素,在不同...Image Data Classification
25.1M 869
道奇环形传感器数据集,洛杉矶101北高速公路的Glendale入口匝道收集 Data Set Information:This loop sensor data was collected for the Glendale on ramp for the 101 North freeway in Los Angel...N/A N/A
164K 1120
金奈巴士路线数据集 金奈巴士路线数据集数据结构为:...Others Classification
22.5K 500
金奈巴士路线数据 金奈巴士路线数据的数据集数据结构为:...Transportation Classification
23K 448
火车数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by chickgodReleased under CC0: Public Domain# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
0.06M 715
交通标志数据集 TrafficSigns的数据集数据结构为:...Business,Law Classification
328.11M 649
UI桥交通 UI桥交通的数据源数据结构为:...Others Classification
397.62M 848
私人泰坦尼克号测试数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Ragavan DinakarReleased under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0# ContentsIt contains the following fi...Business,Vehicle Classification
30K 629
各种商品运输费用数据集 各种商品运输费用数据...Business,Transportation Classification
322.16M 927
纽约出租车之旅数据,训练数据 OSRM 步骤 纽约出租车之旅数据,训练数据 OSRM 步骤...Rail Transport Classification
367.75M 483
印度铁路的数据分析和可视化 Transportation Classification
16.33M 498