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钓鱼网站数据集 Neda AbdelhamidAuckland Institute of Studiesnedah '@' Set Information:The phishing problem is cons...Computer Classification
32.8K 660
URL信誉数据集 'Identifying Malicious URLs: An Application of Large-Scale online Learning' (ICML-09)Justin Ma, Lawrence K. Saul...Computer Classification
233.66M 607
普渡大学UNIX命令历史记录数据集 Terran Lane:terran '@' ecn.purdue.eduData Set Information:This file contains 9 sets of sanitized user data drawn...Computer N/A
161K 544
阿拉伯语情绪分析数据集的Twitter数据集 N. A. Abdulla, naabdulla11 '@' Set Information:--- By using a tweet crawler, we collect 2000...Social Classification
265K 550
土耳其垃圾邮件V01数据集 Cuneyt Ozdemir, cozdemir '@', Siirt University TBMYOData Set Information:A total of 330 spam and 49...Social Classification
2.14M 524
来自谷歌中欧洲24个类别的景点进行评论数据集 Shini Renjith, shinirenjith '@' gmail.comData Set Information:This data set is populated by capturing user ratin...N/A Classification
622K 662
Syskill和Webert网页评级数据集 Michael PazzaniDepartment of Information and Computer Science,University of California, IrvineIrvine, CA 92697-3425 pazz...Computer Classification
468K 613
综合控制图时间序列数据集 Dr Robert Alcock rob '@' skyblue.csd.auth.grData Set Information:This dataset contains 600 examples of control c...N/A Classification
342K 535
SMS垃圾邮件收集数据集 Tiago A. Almeida (talmeidaData Set Information:This corpus has been collected from free or free for research sources at...Computer Classification
199K 787
SIFT10M数据集,已用于评估近似近邻搜索方法 Xiping Fu, Brendan McCane, Steven Mills, Michael Albert and Lech SzymanskiDepartment of Computer Science, University of...Computer Causal-Discovery
7.3G 594
预测在线社交媒体数据集中的关键词活动 Fran?ois Kawala (1,2) Ahlame Douzal (1) Eric Gaussier (1) Eustache Diemert (2) Institutions :(1) Université Joseph Four...Computer Classification
13.9M 487
钓鱼网站数据集 Rami Mustafa A Mohammad ( University of Huddersfield, rami.mohammad '@', rami.mustafa.a '@' gm...Computer Classification
112K 548
网上零售数据集 Dr Daqing Chen, Director: Public Analytics group. chend '@', School of Engineering, London South Bank...Business Classification
22.6M 638
NIPS会议论文1987-2015数据集,包含11463个单词和5811篇NIPS会议论文 Data Set Information:数据集采用11463 x 5812字数矩阵的形式,包含11463个单词和5811篇NIPS会议论文(第一列包含单词列表)。每...Computer Clustering
127M 478
报纸和杂志图像分割数据集 Creators: Aleksey Vilkin and Ilia Safonov, NRNU MEPhI, Moscow, Russia, Date: 2012Data Set Information:该数据集用于文本、...Computer Classification
391M 461
多社交媒体平台中的新闻流行度数据集 Nuno MonizLIAAD - INESC Tec; Sciences College, University of PortoEmail: nmmoniz '@' inesctec.ptLu?-s TorgoLIAAD...Computer Regression
14.22M 646
新闻聚合器数据集 Data Set Information:News are grouped into clusters that represent pages discussing the same news story. The dataset inc...Computer Classification
27.9M 390
新闻相关部分的互联网信息服务器(IIS)日志数据集 David Heckerman (heckerma '@' Set Information:这些数据来自于1999年9月28日(太平洋标准时间)一...Computer Classification
2.25M 559
微博客PCU数据集 数据集被用于探索微博中的垃圾邮件发送者 Jun Liu(liukeen '@', Hao Chen(lechenhao '@' , Mengting Zhan, Jianhong Mi,Yanzha...Computer Classification
5.8M 455
恶意软件静态和动态特征和病毒总数据集 Data Set Information:- staDynBenignLab.csv: 1086 features extracted from 595 files on MS Windows 7 and 8, obtained Progr...Computer Classification
1.7M 474