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NCHS-药物毒死亡率 Health,Socrata,Public Safety,Public Health,United States,Mortality Classification
7.01M 466
石头布剪刀图片,剪刀石头布游戏的图像 该数据集包含来自 Rock-Paper-Scissors 游戏的手势图像。...Classification,Arts and Entertainment,Image Data,Games,PCA Classification
312.6M 392
快速文本 Others Classification
1917.77M 841
Zillow 租金指数,2010 年至今,哪个城市的位价或每平方英尺价格最高 Zillow operates an industry-leading economics and analytics bureau led by Zillow’s Chief Economist, Dr. Stan Humphries....Real Estate,Cities and Urban Areas Classification
10.23M 489
标准普尔500指数盘数据 Business,Earth and Nature,Finance,Investing Classification
647.87M 395
2018年越南国家高考试成绩 Standardized Testing,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
41.77M 360
有毒嵌入物,拼图有毒评论挑战的通用句子编码文本 There's no need for everyone to encode the same text with the Universal Sentence EmbeddingThis data set contains the...NLP,Deep Learning,Earth and Nature Classification
610.81M 795
预测深水石油钻井平台在航行的燃料情况 Predict Fuel on deepwater oil rig when on voyage...Oil and Gas Classification
3K 449
6.2M 461
0.09M 426
1000 个摄像机数据集,描述13处房产1000个摄像头的数据 Some camera enthusiast went and described 1,000 cameras based on 13 properties!ContentRow one describes the datatype for...Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Electronics Classification
0.08M 478
洛杉矶 311 呼叫心跟踪数据 Business,Internet,Socrata Classification
387.57M 335
国机器翻译研讨会,语料数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Liling TanReleased under Other (specified in description)# ContentsIt contains the...Deep Learning,Computer Science Classification
6.6G 545
机器人先生的单词事件,了解F-Society最喜欢的行话 Mr. Robot is all about data whether it's corrupting it, encrypting it, or deleting it. I wanted to dig up some data...Arts and Entertainment,Games Classification
0.31M 458
电影的单词事件 Arts and Entertainment,Movies and TV Shows,Linguistics Classification
1.32M 327
酵母的转录组 Biology Classification
10.14M 871
自然语言处理的情感分析 #数据集此数据集由NowYSM在Database:Open Database,Contents:Database Contents#Contents下创建。它包含以下文件:...NLP,Arts and Entertainment Classification
2.52M 422
2013-2018年巴西ICD医院发病率 Hospitals and Treatment Centers Classification
0M 256
5.12M 677
工作数据集缺勤 Business,Employment Classification
0.11M 344