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阿拉伯ULMFiT模型,基于Ar Wikipedia语料库的阿拉伯语模型 Arabic is a major world language yet is is under represented on the Internet and there is a lack of resources for Arabic...NLP,Transfer Learning,Languages Classification
160.13M 683
FakeNewsNet 假新闻研究数据收集,假新闻、虚假信息、数据挖掘 This is a repository for an ongoing data collection project for fake news research at ASU. We describe and compare FakeN...NLP,News,Social Science,Social Networks Classification
72.61M 1105
Stack Overflow 2018 问题数据集 In this dataset, we explore StackOverflow questions and try to use unsupervised algorithms to extract tags, then train c...NLP,Earth and Nature,Computer Science,Multiclass Classification Classification
230.27M 442
JHU-CROWD++ A large-scale unconstrained crowd counting dataset.A comprehensive dataset with 4,372 images and 1.51 million annotation...Person 2D Box
2.87G 747
Touchdown Others Classification
0 488
Creative Flow+ Please visit the official website of this dataset for details...Others 2D Polygon
0M 399
WebLogo 2M Others 2D Box
0 610
NoW Others Classification
0 834
WSVD Others Optical Flow,Others
0 518
Arabic Handwritten Characters Others Classification
0 744
LS3D-W Others Classification
0 464
Wider Person Others 2D Box
0 515
CityFlow Others 2D Box Tracking,Others
0 910
AFLW Others 3D Keypoints,2D Box,2D Ellipse
0 428
AFLW2K3D 一个包含 2000 张图像的数据集 AFLW2000-3D 是一个包含 2000 张图像的数据集,这些图像已使用图像级 68 点 3D 面部标志进行注释。该数据集通常用于评估 3D 面部...Person,Face 3D Keypoints
83.36M 550
Downsampled Imagenet Others No Label
15.71G 512
Contour Drawing Others Others
320.07M 679
Bee or Wasp Others Classification
558.83M 629
The Street View Text Others 2D Box
112.78M 420
1.95G 451