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搜狐新闻健康类别数据集 OCR/Text Detection Classification
1.5G 683
ChestXRay2017胸腔X射线透视图数据集 ChestXRay2017数据集共包含5856张胸腔X射线透视图,诊断结果(即分类标签)主要分为正常和肺炎,其中肺炎又可以细分为:细菌性肺...X-Ray 2D Box
1.14G 687
Term-Preterm EHG DataSet with Tocogram The Term-Preterm ElectroHysteroGram DataSet with Tocogram (TPEHGT DS) contains 26 four-signal 30-min uterine EHG records...Person,X-Ray Audio,Depth
39.8M 907
St Petersburg INCART 12-lead Arrhythmia Database This database consists of 75 annotated recordings extracted from 32 Holter records. Each record is 30 minutes long and c...Medical 2D Box
563.5M 984
Sudden Cardiac Death Holter Database An estimated 400,000 Americans, and millions more worldwide, die suddenly each year. These events are most often initiat...Medical 2D Polyline
1.1G 782
Sleep-EDF Database Files with extensions .rec and .hyp contain original recordings and their hypnograms, respectively, in European Data For...Medical 2D Box
314.6M 840
Smart Health for Assessing the Risk of Events via ECG Database The ECG Holter was performed after a one-month anti-hypertensive therapy wash-out. The patients, aged 55 and over (inclu...Medical 2D Box,Classification
1.74G 791
Sleep Heart Health Study PSG Database The Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS) is a prospective cohort study designed to investigate the relationship between sleep...Medical 2D Box
93.6M 1624
Spontaneous Ventricular Tachyarrhythmia Database This database contains 135 pairs of RR interval time series, recorded by implanted cardioverter defibrillators (Medtroni...Medical 2D Box,Image Caption
2.6M 548
STAFF III Database The STAFF III database was acquired during 1995–96 at Charleston Area Medical Center (WV, USA) where single prolonged b...Medical 2D Box
3.16G 788
Samples of MR Images These magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) images show coronal slices acquired from consecutive anteroposterior position...Medical 2D Box
70.8M 580
Sleep Bioradiolocation Database The database contains 32 records of non-contact sleep monitoring by a bioradar. The records are accompanied by results o...Person 2D Box,Classification
1.5G 618
Heart Rate Oscillations during Meditation Database Heart rate time series for 5 different groups of healthy subjects can be found in text form in the subdirectories of thi...Medical 2D Box,Audio
8.8M 494
Effect of Deep Brain Stimulation on Parkinsonian Tremor Database The recordings of this database are of rest tremor velocity in the index finger of 16 subjects with Parkinson's disease...Medical 2D Box,Audio
3.5M 609
CTU-CHB Intrapartum Cardiotocography Database This database, from the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague and the University Hospital in Brno (UHB), contains 5...Medical 2D Box,Classification
38.3M 2733
CiPA ECG Validation Study Database ECG effects of ranolazine, verapamil, lopinavir+ritonavir, chloroquine, dofetilide, diltiazem, and dofetilide+diltiazem...Medical 2D Box,Audio
3G 574
CHB-MIT Scalp EEG Database This database, collected at the Children’s Hospital Boston, consists of EEG recordings from pediatric subjects with int...Medical 2D Box,Audio
42.6G 1843
CAST RR Interval Sub-Study Database TheCardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST) was a landmark NHLBI-sponsored study designed to test the hypothesis that...Medical Classification
616.6M 556
Non-Invasive Multimodal Foetal ECG-Doppler Dataset The development of algorithms for the extractionof the foetal ECG (fECG) from non-invasive recordingsis hampered by the...Medical 2D Box,Classification
792.9M 936
MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database Since 1975, our laboratories at Boston's Beth Israel Hospital (now the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center) and at MIT...Medical Classification
73.5M 1168