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Logo-2K+:大规模logo分类数据集,包含来自各种类别的logo图像 描述:大规模logo数据集,包含来自各种类别的logo图像。数据中心中包含167140个图像,包括10个父类别和2341个子类别。10个不同的...Business,Image Search,Classification,Food 2D Box
2.93G 973
FoodLogoDet-1500:大规模食品logo检测数据集 背景:食品标识检测因其广泛的现实应用而在多媒体中发挥着重要作用,例如自助商店的食品推荐和电子商务平台上的侵权检测。描述:...Agriculture,Smart Retailing,Data Cleaning 2D Box
4.7G 755
Chinese Word Analogy Lists 汉语词语类比数据集 Most word embedding methods take a word as a basic unit and learn embeddings according to words’ external contexts, ign...MNIST Classification
121.1M 660
Tai Chi, Physiological Complexity, and Healthy Aging - Gait The "Tai Chi, Physiological Complexity, and Healthy Aging—Gait" database contains two-channel gait recordings of 87 old...Person,Fashion Pose
503.3M 600
UbiqLog(智能手机动态日志)数据集 Reza Rawassizadeh rrawassizadeh '@' University of California Riverside.Data Set Information:This is the...Computer Causal-Discovery
61.3M 1063
Statlog项目数据集 Various Databases: Vehicle silhouttes, Landsat Sattelite, Shuttle, Australian Credit Approval, Heart Disease, Image Segmentation, German Credit...N/A N/A
0M 808
Statlog(航天飞机)数据集 飞机数据集 Data Set Information:大约80%的数据属于类别1。因此,默认精度约为80%。这里的目标是获得99-99.9%的准确度。原始数据集中的示例...Physical Classification
411K 2255
Statlog(陆地卫星)数据集 Ashwin Srinivasan Department of Statistics and Data Modeling University of Strathclyde Glasgow Scotland UK ross '@&#...Physical Classification
91.3K 1048
Statlog(心脏)数据集 N/AData Set Information:Cost Matrix_______ abse presabsence 01presence 50where the rows represent the true values a...Life Classification
3K 823
Meteorologicaldata Hoelstein Others Classification
125.02M 790
ActivityLog Others Classification
0.01M 813
statlog Others Classification
0.05M 507
0.21M 266
CTU'的恶意软件数据集.log Others Classification
1.78M 450
2econsultingweblog Others Classification
709.97M 293
WebLogo 2M Others 2D Box
0 603
Dialog-based LL Others Text
140.17M 306
Dialog bAbI Tasks Others Text
2.9M 425
29K 655