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ImageNet图像识别数据库,用于机器视觉领域的图像分类和目标检测 ImageNet项目是一个用于视觉对象识别软件研究的大型可视化数据库。超过1400万的图像URL被ImageNet手动注释,以指示图片中的对象;...Image Search,Data Cleaning Classification
860.5G 1493
Google open image Action/Event Detection Classification
18T 623
Large-Scale Image Annotation using Visual Synset (ICCV 2011) Action/Event Detection Classification
1.5G 589
CUHK Image Cropping Dataset Image cropping is a common operation used to improve the visual quality of photographsThis dataset was used in this pape...Plant 2D Box
76.8M 861
Samples of MR Images These magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) images show coronal slices acquired from consecutive anteroposterior position...Medical 2D Box
70.8M 587
Fire Detection Image Dataset This dataset contains normal images and images with fire. It is highly unbalanced to reciprocate real world situations....Others,Industry 2D Box,3D Model
131.5M 648
Interactive Medical Image Sequence Segmentation Fig. 1. Selected results of liver tumor segmentation in CT image slices.Segmenting organisms or tumors from medical data...X-Ray 3D Model
13.13M 988
WBC Image Dataset 1 This is two datasets of white blood cell (WBC) images used for “Fast and Robust Segmentationof White Blood Cell Images...Medical 2D Semantic Segmentation
6.66M 656
斯坦福汽车数据集,Keras ImageGenerator一起使用的斯坦福汽车数据集 ContextThis is the Stanford car dataset. The difference is the .zip file contains all the images with this structure: -...Automobiles and Vehicles,Multiclass Classification Classification
1.83G 776
imdb-wiki-image-dataset Movies and TV Shows,Image Data,Computer Vision Classification
2774.3M 477
3 rd-ml-month-car-image-aspect-ratio-crop-dataset # Dataset 这个数据集是由 zerocoke 创建的 # 内容它包含以下文件:...Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
132M 527
svd-image-sample Image Data Classification
0.42M 498
Google-Open-Images # Dataset 这个数据集是由 Chaitanya Shah 在 CC0下发布的: 公共领域 # 内容它包含以下文件:...Arts and Entertainment Classification
1.2G 413
imagenes公司 Image Data Classification
2.05M 512
SE-ResNet-50、101 和 152 在 ImageNet 上 Deep Learning,CNN Classification
513.31M 425
imagesdb Image Data Classification
187.43M 301
ImageAi3 Image Data Classification
0.72M 280
imagenet - vgg - 非常深 - 19. mat Computer Science,Games Classification
510.12M 278
imageNet 文件 Image Data Classification
30.14M 304
Irisasimages Online Communities,Image Data,Deep Learning,Computer Vision,CNN Classification
0.26M 288