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Weizmann Dataset 人体行为动作形状的数据集 概述:2005年,以色列 Weizmann institute 发布了Weizmann 数据库。数据库包含了 10个动作(bend, jack, jump, pjump, run,side,...Action/Event Detection Classification
336.6M 1126
Semantic KITTI dataset 自动驾驶数据集 我们提出了一个基于KITTI视觉基准的大规模数据集,并且我们使用了dometry任务所提供的所有序列。我们为序列00-10的每个单独的扫...Autonomous Driving Classification
80G 1357
Cars Dataset 汽车数据集 Cars 数据集包含 196 类汽车的 16,185 张图像。数据分为 8,144 张训练图像和 8,041 张测试图像,其中每个类别大致分为 50-50 个...Autonomous Driving 2D Keypoints
1.82G 2059
CUHK Image Cropping Dataset Image cropping is a common operation used to improve the visual quality of photographsThis dataset was used in this pape...Plant 2D Box
76.8M 843
Indoor Multi-Camera Pedestrian Datasets We provide several multi-camera dataset for detection and tracking of multiple pedestrians captured within our laborator...Action/Event Detection Pose,3D Box Tracking
451M 686
Person Re-ID (PRID) Dataset 450S This dataset was created in co-operation with the Austrian Institute of Technology for the purpose of testing person re-...Action/Event Detection Pose,3D Box Tracking
16.7M 705
Person Re-ID (PRID) Dataset(Multi person trajectory camera) This dataset was created in co-operation with the Austrian Institute of Technology for the purpose of testing person re-...Action/Event Detection 3D Box Tracking
990M 716
Bosch Small Traffic Lights Dataset AbstractWe present the Bosch Small Traffic Lights Dataset, an accurate dataset for vision-based traffic light detection....Autonomous Driving 2D Box,Image Caption
544M 1231
WPI Traffic Light Dataset Whole frames with label. Each folder is a type of traffic lights with their holders, and only that type is labelled (Gro...Vehicle,Autonomous Driving 3D Box Tracking
10.5G 1157
WIDER FACE dataset WIDER FACE dataset is a face detection benchmark dataset, of which images are selected from the publicly available...Person Classification
1.36G 578
INRIA Person Dataset This dataset was collected as part of research work on detection of upright people in images and video. The research is...Person 2D Box,Classification
962.52M 1244
Chinese handwritten digits MNIST dataset One hundred Chinese participated in the data collection. Each participant used a standard black ink pen to write all 15...MNIST Classification,Text
16.7M 939
Term-Preterm EHG DataSet with Tocogram The Term-Preterm ElectroHysteroGram DataSet with Tocogram (TPEHGT DS) contains 26 four-signal 30-min uterine EHG records...Person,X-Ray Audio,Depth
39.8M 898
Non-Invasive Multimodal Foetal ECG-Doppler Dataset The development of algorithms for the extractionof the foetal ECG (fECG) from non-invasive recordingsis hampered by the...Medical 2D Box,Classification
792.9M 930
Fire Detection Image Dataset This dataset contains normal images and images with fire. It is highly unbalanced to reciprocate real world situations....Others,Industry 2D Box,3D Model
131.5M 633
CUHK-SYSU Dataset 骨骼点数据集 The dataset is a large scale benchmark for person search, containing 18,184 images and 8,432 identities.The dataset can...Person 2D Box,Classification
1.14G 2519
Taobao Commodity Dataset TCD contains 800 commodity images (dresses, jeans, T-shirts, shoes and hats) from the shops on the Taobao website. The g...Fashion,Common Classification
30.5M 1124
SemArt Dataset Automatic art analysis has been mostly focused on classifying artworks into different artistic styles. However, understa...Aesthetics Image Caption,Classification
3.1G 1265
Kinect2 Human Pose Dataset (K2HPD) Kinect2 Human PoseDataset (K2HPD) includes about 100K depth images with various human poses under challenging scenarios....Person 2D Semantic Segmentation,2D Keypoints
1.55G 2176
WBC Image Dataset 1 This is two datasets of white blood cell (WBC) images used for “Fast and Robust Segmentationof White Blood Cell Images...Medical 2D Semantic Segmentation
6.66M 628