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Airbnb调查数据 Aviation Classification
0.44M 199
微软冒险工作周期客户数据 Retail and Shopping,Cycling Classification
3.39M 378
ai - 歌词 - 帮助者 Others Classification
2K 181
sentiwordtrain Others Classification
13.07M 169
EMA65交叉,纳斯达克100日交易员,ai EMA交叉策略数据集 Day traders identify patterns in the market that tell them when to enter and exit a trade. They never hold market positi...Business,Deep Learning Classification
1.9G 323 Others Classification
38996M 357
狗和猫 FastAI Animal Classification
822.36M 240
西雅图Airbnb开放数据 Travel,Hotels and Accommodations,United States Classification
85.94M 423
丹伯里AI 2018年6月 Automobiles and Vehicles Classification
214.66M 176
大市场销售数据集 大市场销售数据集...Retail and Shopping Classification
1.33M 610
尼斯骑明尼苏达州 2017 Retail and Shopping,Sports,Travel,Weather and Climate,Cycling Classification
45.42M 460
ImageAi3 Image Data Classification
0.72M 227
美国运通 AI 问题 2 Others Classification
75.13M 226
cail2018small Others Classification
267.3M 598
阿姆斯特丹 - Airbnb Classification,Hotels and Accommodations,Regression,Random Forest Classification
3.77M 611
商城客户 Computer Science,Retail and Shopping,Clustering,K-Means Classification
0M 271
Everquest Killboard killmail 数据 Video Games Classification
0.78M 241
fastai - wt103 #数据集此数据集由Pamin Rangsiunpum在“其他”(在描述中指定)#目录下创建。它包含以下文件:...Business,Earth and Nature Classification
3.22G 241
Wav3traintest Others Classification
4136.83M 183
在线零售 Retail and Shopping Classification
18.67M 254