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在线流行新闻数据集 Data Set Information:* The articles were published by Mashable ( and their content as the rights to rep...Business Classification
7.1M 689
根据带有时间戳的照片获得地面实况数据集,用于培训和测试 Luis Candanedo, luismiguel.candanedoibarra '@', UMONS.Data Set Information:Three data sets are submi...Computer Classification
328K 633
托儿所数据集 Data Set Information:托儿所数据库源于最初开发用于对托儿所应用程序进行排序的分层决策模型。20世纪80年代,斯洛文尼亚卢布尔...Social Classification
41K 746
美国国家健康和安全基金会NSF研究奖摘要1990-2003数据集 Original Owner and DonorAbstracts provided by:Michael J. PazzaniICS Department, School of Computer Science, UCI, Irvine...Computer Classification
208.12M 1023
Northix数据集 Farid Bourennani, University of Ontario Institute of Technology, farid.bourennani '@' uoit.caData Set Informatio...Computer Classification
1.2M 625
Nomao实验室数据集 (a) Original owner of database (name / phone / snail address / email address)Nomao / 00 33 5 62 48 33 90 / 1 avenue Jean...Computer Classification
1.6M 655
报刊图像分割数据集 This dataset comprises records of 150 subjects (all male employees in Iran have visited the Abadan Occupational (Industrial) Medicine Clinic) and 52 features....Life Classification
0M 628
人道主义计算数据集的多模态损伤识别 Data Set Information:从Instagram和Twitter等社交媒体帖子中检索到样本。Attribute Information:640x640 RGB images and r...Social Classification
1.1G 631
Mturk用户在图像数据集上感知的聚类 Shan-Hung WuAssociate Professor, CS, National Tsing Hua University(NTHU) Email: shwu [AT] Set Informa...Computer Clustering
57.3K 627
基于图像数据集的Mturk用户感知聚类 These data have been constituted to clarify the distribution in Northwestern Anatolia of the monolithic columns produced in the ancient granite quarries located in Troad and Mysia Regions. ...Computer Classification
0M 603
微软全国广播公司匿名Web数据集 A set of three artificial domains over the same attribute space; Used to test a wide range of induction algorithms...N/A Classification
0M 479
分子生物学(启动子基因序列)数据集 The dataset was created for the comparison and evaluation of hybrid indoor positioning methods. The dataset presented contains data from W-LAN and Bluetooth interfaces, and Magnetometer. ...Computer Classification, Clustering, Causal-Discovery
0M 598
不同机器学习、神经和统计分类算法数据集 Data Set Information:This DataSet is about the results of Statlog project. The project performed a comparative study bet...Computer Classification
7K 915
透镜数据集 Original Source:Cendrowska, J. PRISM: An algorithm for inducing modular rules, International Journal of Man-Machine Stud...N/A Classification
1K 644
澳大利亚法律案例,法律案例报告数据集 Filippo Galganigalganif '@' of Computer Science and EngineeringThe Univeristy of New South...Computer Classification
80.8M 628
KDD Cup 1998数据集 Data Set Information:Please see associated text files in the download folder.Attribute Information:N/ARelevant Papers:N/...N/A Regression
140M 941
卡桑德尔数据集,预测给定用户是否会点击给定报价 Data Set Information:We created this data by sampling and processing the logs. The data records offers wh...Life Causal-Discovery
900M 607
智能媒体加速度计和陀螺仪(IM-AccGyro)数据集 The IM-AccGyro dataset is devised to benchmark techniques dealing with human activity recognition based on inertial sensors. ...Physical Classification
0M 814
免疫治疗数据集 Data Set Information:Provide all relevant information about your data set.Attribute Information:Provide information abou...Medical,Life Classification
33K 777
IIWA14 R820露台数据集10个轨迹数据集 Provide the names, email addresses, institutions, and other contact information of the donors and creators of the data s...Computer Regression
2.6M 664