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高分辨率卫星图像标注数据集(xBD) “xBD”包含了大约70万个建筑物在8种不同的自然灾害之前和之后的卫星图像,包括地震、野火、洪水和火山爆发。它覆盖了约5000平方...Image Search Classification
0M 1405
6T 1582
ADE20K语义理解场景解析数据集 可用于场景感知、解析、分割、多物体识别 ADE20K 数据集是用来做场景解析的一个非常大的数据集,包含 150 种物体类型,于 2017 年由 MIT CSAIL 研究组(麻省理工学院 CSAI...Action/Event Detection Classification
3.76G 704
300个正方形,圆形和三角形的图像数据集 形状有很多不同的类型,因此能够区分它们很重要;专为初学者学习神经网络而设计的数据集。...Image Search Classification
402K 951
Person Re-ID (PRID) Dataset 450S This dataset was created in co-operation with the Austrian Institute of Technology for the purpose of testing person re-...Action/Event Detection Pose,3D Box Tracking
16.7M 590
Person Re-ID (PRID) Dataset(Multi person trajectory camera) This dataset was created in co-operation with the Austrian Institute of Technology for the purpose of testing person re-...Action/Event Detection 3D Box Tracking
990M 579
Hybrid One-Shot 3D Hand Pose Estimation This page provides downloads for our BMVC'15 paper Hybrid One-Shot 3D Hand Pose Estimation by Exploiting Uncertainti...Action/Event Detection Pose
25.3M 361
visual relationship detection database To benchmark progress in visual relationship detection, we also introduce a new dataset containing 5000 images with 37,9...Action/Event Detection 2D Box,Pose
2.16M 483
UniCA ElectroTastegram Database (PROP) The UniCA ElectroTastegram Database (PROP) contains 39 differential biopotential measurements recorded from the tongues...Action/Event Detection 2D Keypoints
7.9M 491
Smoke Detection Based on Scene Parsing and Salienct Segmentation The dataset used in Smoke Detection based on Scene Parsing and Saliency Segmentation: The The dataset for wildfire smoke...Others 2D Box,Classification
130M 537
Fire Detection Image Dataset This dataset contains normal images and images with fire. It is highly unbalanced to reciprocate real world situations....Others,Industry 2D Box,3D Model
131.5M 549
Caltech 256 We introduce a challenging set of 256object categories containing a total of 30607 images. The originalCaltech-101 was c...Others Classification
1.1G 529
YFCC100M 基于雅虎Flickr的影像数据库 YFCC 100M数据库是2014年来基于雅虎Flickr的影像数据库。该库由1亿条产生于2004年至2014年间的多条媒体数据组成,其中包含了9920...Scenario Recognition 2D Box,Classification,2D Polygon
128M 1904
MVTec 工业3D对象检测数据集 (MVTec ITODD) MVTec 工业 3D 对象检测数据集 (MVTec ITODD) 是用于 3D 对象检测和姿态估计的公共数据集,重点关注工业设置和应用。数据集包括...Industry Others
97.7G 1496
MoCap手姿势数据集,可用于进行姿势识别 Data Set Information:Vicon运动捕捉摄像头系统用于记录12名使用者在左手手套上贴上标记,进行5种手部姿势。手套背面的刚性标记...Action/Event Detection Classification
32.4M 617
手部自由运动数据集 Data Set Information:The dataset (movement_libras) contains 15 classes of 24 instances each, where each class refer...Physical Classification
149K 513
基于智能手机数据集的人类活动识别,六项行为数据(步行、上楼、下楼、坐、站、躺) Data Set Information:实验是由30名年龄在19-48岁之间的志愿者进行的。每个人在腰部佩戴智能手机(三星Galaxy S II),进行六项...Action/Event Detection Classification
58.18M 720
手势相位分割数据集,从7个手势视频中提取的特征组成 Data Set Information:该数据集由从7个手势视频中提取的特征组成,旨在研究手势相位分割。每个视频由两个文件表示:一个原始文件...Person,Action/Event Detection Classification
1.9M 468
vgg 16模型数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by lsfszyf# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
527.8M 432
atec反欺诈 Others Classification
2K 404