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2676.72M 360
1K 183
flipkartdataset Earth and Nature Classification
0M 333
namodatasets Others Classification
0.66M 330
UQSpeechDataset数据库 Software,Religion and Belief Systems,Linguistics Classification
5.09M 460
firstasktrainnti公司 Others Classification
863.53M 507
Open Images Dataset V6,谷歌图像公开数据集 Open Images Dataset V6是谷歌开源的一个强大的图像公开数据集,里面包含约 900 万张图像,600个类别。可用于图像分类、对象检测...Others 2D Box,Classification,2D Polygon
4.32G 613
Mapillary Vistas MapillaryVistas拥有25k街景图像(18ktrain,2k val,5k test),分辨率广泛。数据集的“研究版”被密集注释(98%像素coverage...Automobiles and Vehicles 2D Instance Segmentation
500M 772
23.37M 737
11.59M 770
Tongji Parking-slot Dataset 2.0 Others Classification,2D Keypoints
2.24G 589
82.69M 404
MJSynth Synthetic Word Dataset 合成词数据集 This is synthetically generated dataset which we found sufficient for training text recognitionon real-world imagesThis...NLP Classification
9.95G 1560
TaskMaster2 Others Text
10.63M 335
Dialog bAbI Tasks Others Text
2.9M 376
TaskMaster1 Others Text
9.98M 419
bAbI Tasks Data 1-20 Others Text
14.99M 297
WBC Image Dataset 1 Others 2D Semantic Segmentation
6.66M 415
WBC Image Dataset 2 Others 2D Semantic Segmentation
14.64M 390