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韩国极端主义网站Womad仇恨言论数据 NLP,Classification Classification
0.16M 309
Kaggle工作 Computer Science,Education,NLP,Recommender Systems,Search Engines Classification
0.27M 289
阿拉伯ULMFiT模型,基于Ar Wikipedia语料库的阿拉伯语模型 Arabic is a major world language yet is is under represented on the Internet and there is a lack of resources for Arabic...NLP,Transfer Learning,Languages Classification
160.13M 638
印度政治新闻2018 Politics,NLP,Text Data,Linguistics,India Classification
57.35M 266
SComedy Earth and Nature,NLP,Text Data,Text Mining Classification
2.99M 417
NLTK路透社新闻文件,NLTK路透社语料库中的所有文件 This dataset contains the ID, categories, and raw text from each file in NLTK's Reuters corpus.ContentEach file (row...NLP,Computer Science,News,Text Data,Text Mining Classification
3.3M 676
reddit自我发布分类任务,包含1000 多个精心挑选的类别 Welcome to the Reddit Self-Post Classification Task (RSPCT)!The aim of this dataset was to create an interesting, large...NLP,Classification,Computer Science,Multiclass Classification Classification
839.37M 310
医学成绩单,从mtsamples获取的医学转录数据 Medical data is extremely hard to find due to HIPAA privacy regulations. This dataset offers a solution by providing med...NLP,Health,Medicine Classification
16.22M 286
FakeNewsNet 假新闻研究数据收集,假新闻、虚假信息、数据挖掘 This is a repository for an ongoing data collection project for fake news research at ASU. We describe and compare FakeN...NLP,News,Social Science,Social Networks Classification
72.61M 1055
Strongbad邮件 Business,NLP,Text Data Classification
0.11M 287
科学流行评论删除 Business,NLP,Text Data,Binary Classification,Bigquery Classification
74.17M 262
Medium Articles 包含标记为AI、机器学习、数据科学或人工智能的帖子,以及用户信息 Medium taps into the brains of the world’s most insightful writers, thinkers, and storytellers to bring you the smartes...NLP,Text Data,Literature Classification
1.8G 356
实体提取从Pitchfork评论 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Music,Retail and Shopping,NLP,Popular Culture Classification
14.49M 651
圣诞节的食谱 Religion and Belief Systems,NLP,Cooking and Recipes,Holidays and Cultural Events Classification
2.51M 579
数以千计的关于爱情的问题,该数据集包含来自QA服务的爱情类问题和答案 ContextRUSSIAN LANGUAGEThis dataset collected from real answers to questions of the service: https://otvet.mail....NLP,Education,Text Data,Languages Classification
176.23M 282
普莱诺斯总督 埃里总统2018年 NLP,Brazil Classification
16.5M 548
ACL论文选集,论文数据来自ACL选集 The Accepted paper's data from ACL Anthology. An abstract of a paper is extracted from arXiv if it exists.The data i...NLP,Education,Literature Classification
1.14M 286
电子邮件垃圾邮件 ContextSome emails from [Spam Assassin][1] to create models that can differentiate between spam and ham (non - spam) ema...NLP,Classification,Software,Email and Messaging Classification
12.08M 285
curationCorpus 策展语料库 策展语料库汇集了 40,000 篇专业撰写的新闻文章摘要,并附有文章本身的链接。这个存储库提供了一个抓取工具来访问它们。如果您对...NLP Text
123.13M 471
NLPCC2016 Others Text
38.66M 382