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整个月的Reddit聊天评论数据 Reddit chat comments of an entire month...NLP,Online Communities,Text Data,Text Mining,Languages Classification
1.65G 520
Reddit 评论分数预测,使用 NLP 预测评论分数 The idea behind this dataset is to try to predict whether a particular comment would be highly up-voted or down-voted gi...NLP,Computer Science,Social Science Classification
1.8G 262
阿拉伯ULMFiT模型,基于Ar Wikipedia语料库的阿拉伯语模型 Arabic is a major world language yet is is under represented on the Internet and there is a lack of resources for Arabic...NLP,Transfer Learning,Languages Classification
160.13M 551
reddit自我发布分类任务,包含1000 多个精心挑选的类别 Welcome to the Reddit Self-Post Classification Task (RSPCT)!The aim of this dataset was to create an interesting, large...NLP,Classification,Computer Science,Multiclass Classification Classification
839.37M 272
reddit向量数据集,用于训练 sence2vec模型 Sence2vec word embeddings model works better than word2vec , since it utilises contextual information from words.This re...NLP,Computer Science,Text Data,spaCy Classification
635.76M 352
实体提取从Pitchfork评论 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Music,Retail and Shopping,NLP,Popular Culture Classification
14.49M 561
DAGM 2007 competition Others 2D Polygon
0 298
Arabic Handwritten Characters Others Classification
0 588
D2-City Others 2D Box
0 706
CityFlow Others 2D Box Tracking,Others
0 760
HIT-OR3C Others Classification,Text
1.12G 557
SemanticKITTI Others 3D Semantic Segmentation
833.47M 338
QIN-PROSTATE-Repeatability Others 2D Semantic Segmentation
429.3M 296
MVTec ITODD The MVTec Industrial 3D Object Detection Dataset (MVTec ITODD) is a public dataset for 3D objectdetection and pose estim...Others Others
105.84G 487
The IIIT 5K-word Others 2D Box,Classification
100.96M 357
AITEX FABRIC IMAGE Others 2D Semantic Segmentation,Classification
168.17M 561
Animals with attributes 2 Others Classification
13.26G 415
KITTI-flow-2015 Others Optical Flow
18.12G 346
KITTI-Sceneflow Others Optical Flow
18.12G 408
KITTI-depth Others Depth
19.95G 423