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HRSC2016 Image Data Classification
3564.25M 470
pnuemothrax Others Classification
1562.64M 415
数据集HR结构化三元 Computer Science,Programming Classification
0.4M 447
UDHR语料库 Computer Science,Human Rights Classification
8.53M 576
Chrome 用户体验报告 Internet,Software,Websites Classification
0M 302
五三八酒精消费数据集,探索来自FiveThrityEight的数据 This folder contains the data behind the story Dear Mona Followup: Where Do People Drink The Most Beer, Wine And Sp...Business,Alcohol Classification
5K 458
Chrome 用户体验报告(仅印度) Internet,Software,Websites Classification
0M 190
CMS AHRQ 患者安全指标数据 Business,Software,Socrata Classification
5.45M 187
HR 逗号 sep.csv Internet Classification
0.54M 195
IBM HR 包含更多行 Others Classification
4.17M 213
HR 逗号分隔.csv Others Classification
0.54M 175
一年 Fitbit ChargeHR 数据 Exercise Classification
0.03M 304
用于分析的 HR 数据集 Business Classification
0.33M 225
hr - 逗号 - sep Beginner,Binary Classification,Linear Regression Classification
0.53M 204
收缩 HRV 数据集 Others Classification
0.05M 232
FHRFTR Others Classification
0.09M 113
HR U逗号 Others Classification
0.54M 114
2.11G 366
tedHrlrTranslate Others Text
461.27M 350
Sea-thru Others No Label
110.72G 396