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HuggingFace变压器库的Lonformer基础模型 allenai-longformer-base-4096 Lonformer-base model for HuggingFace Transformers library...NLP,Arts and Entertainment,Transfer Learning Classification
568.34M 295
巴黎迪士尼乐园 Facebook评论 Online Communities,Video Games,NLP,Text Data,Languages,Text Mining Classification
35.35M 773
Facebook发布的300维预训练FastText英语单词向量 300-dimensional pretrained FastText English word vectors released by Facebook.The first line of the file contains the nu...NLP,Arts and Entertainment,Games Classification
4.52G 384
Facebook 发布的300维预训练,在 Common Crawl 上训练的200万个词向量 300-dimensional pretrained FastText English word vectors released by Facebook.The first line of the file contains the nu...NLP,Arts and Entertainment Classification
650M 449
IMDb-Face Others 2D Box,Classification
0 473
1 million fake faces Others Classification
0 493
Generated Faces Others Classification
0 477
VGGFace2 Others 2D Box,Classification,2D Keypoints
37.26G 513
Kolektor Surface-Defect Others 2D Semantic Segmentation
97.59M 331
The BioID Face Others 2D Keypoints
120.1M 544
Facial Keypoint Detection Others 2D Keypoints
77.11M 449
YouTube Faces DB Others 2D Box,Classification
49G 879
FaceScrub Others Classification
8.45M 495