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篮子优化数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Ananya NayanReleased under Database: Open Database, Contents: ? Original Authors# C...Business Classification
0.29M 691
纯文本文件数据集 上下文我喜欢读浪漫小说,所以我觉得用小说进行文本挖掘非常有趣。我也认为这是从定量的角度看待文学作品并获得一些新见解的好方...Software,Music,Literature Classification
3.85M 617
保证金相关数据集 保证金相关数据集数据结构为:result2.csv...Others Classification
1.54M 473
2012-2017年每小时历史天气数据 该数据集包含约5年的各种天气属性的高时间分辨率(每小时测量)数据,如温度、湿度、气压等。该数据适用于30个美国和加拿大城市...Earth and Nature,Weather and Climate,United States,Geography Classification
10.2M 529
毒素挑战的相关数据集 毒素挑战的相关数据集数据结构为:...Others Classification
52.2M 765
梅卡里评估者预测数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Jan Bodnar# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
9.74M 609
图像内核数据 图像内核数据数据结构为:...Image Data Classification
101K 833
房价数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by AdityaLodhaReleased under GPL 2# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Industry Classification
2.48M 581
图像传输速率 图像传输速率的数据集数据结构为:akosombo.csv...Business Classification
7K 443
贬义词数据集 贬义词数据集数据结构为:badwords.txt...Arts and Entertainment Classification
1.54K 549
mercarinn1 mercarinn1的数据集数据结构为:submission_embednn.cs...Others Classification
5.18M 576
火车数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by chickgodReleased under CC0: Public Domain# ContentsIt contains the following files:...Others Classification
0.06M 715
手套采购数据集 手套采购数据集数据结构为:submission_embedglv.csv...Others Classification
5.16M 554
黑色星期五购物数据集 # DatasetThis dataset was created by Abhishek KumarReleased under CC0: Public Domain# ContentsIt contains the following...Holidays and Cultural Events Classification
33.5M 775
多年的经验和薪水数据集 多年的经验和薪水数据集数据结构为:Salary_Data.csv...Others Classification
1K 663
crttical crttical的数据集数据结构为:after_cookie.jpg...Others Classification
287K 471
Google News vectors negative Google News vectors negative...Clothing and Accessories Classification
3.64G 501
《泰坦尼克号》 《泰坦尼克号》的数据集数据结构为:train (1).csv...Others Classification
20K 563
glove50d glove50d的数据集数据结构为:glove.6B.50d.txt...Others Classification
60.6M 527
口袋妖怪 口袋妖怪的数据集数据结构为:Pokemon.csv...Games,Anime and Manga Classification
14K 515