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TCGA-CESC 子宫颈腺癌CT影像数据 TCGA-CESC 癌症CT影像数据,旨在对各种类型的癌症诊治过程进行全程数字化的跟踪,以数字档案的形式记录检查结果、处方和疗效。癌...Cancer 2D Box
8.8G 2020
LFW (Labled Faces in the Wild)人脸数据集 LFW (Labled Faces in the Wild)人脸数据集:是目前人脸识别的常用测试集,其中提供的人脸图片均来源于生活中的自然场景,因此...Person,Face 2D Box,2D Keypoints
180.63M 1850
Places365-Standard 包含365个场景类别180 万张火车图像 There are 1.8 million train images from 365 scene categories in the Places365-Standard, which are used to train the Plac...Common,Image Search,Deep Learning Classification
220G 1230
The Celebrity in Places 各场景名人数据集 Action/Event Detection Classification
1.9G 748
6T 1801
Labeled Faces in the Wild Welcome to Labeled Faces in the Wild, a database of face photographsdesigned for studying the problem of unconstrained f...Face 2D Box
172.2M 557
Amazon Access示例数据集 Dataset creator and donator: Ken Montanez email: kenmonta[at] institution: Information Security, Amazon...Business Regression
11.7M 815
CelebFaces属性(CelebA)数据集 Business,Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities,Image Data,Classification,Computer Vision Classification
1385.62M 461
Chess Pieces Others 2D Box
0 700
0 824
1 million fake faces Others Classification
0 493
Generated Faces Others Classification
0 477
TCGA-CESC Others Others
3.56G 461
YouTube Faces DB Others 2D Box,Classification
49G 879
FaceScrub Others Classification
8.45M 495