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ChatGPT情绪分析,ChatGPT推文分类一个月 ChatGPT has been a major talk in the tech world. The tweets about chatgpt were gathered for a month and then the sentime...NLP Classification
35.27M 1567
鱼眼汽车数据集WoodScape 鱼眼摄像头通常用于在监控、增强现实以及特别是汽车应用中获得大视场。尽管它很普遍,但很少有公开的数据集用于对鱼眼图像的计算...Others 2D Box,3D Box,2D Polygon
37.31G 1115
CK+ 里面是人脸关键点位置描述,用于人脸表情识别 里面是人脸关键点位置描述,用于人脸表情识别...Others 2D Semantic Segmentation,2D Ellipse
9.13M 432
ChatGPT Twitter数据集 This dataset contains a collection of tweets with the hashtag #chatgpt. The tweets were scraped from Twitter and cover a...NLP Classification
0.4M 1459
Tweets on ChatGPT 数据集包ChatGPT上的推文 ChatGPT is a chatbot developed by OpenAI. It was launched in November 2022. The dataset contains tweets on #ChatGPT from...NLP Classification
133.86M 762
LFQA患者医生对话数据 What is Diagnose me?Diagnose me is an LFQA dataset of dialogues between patients and doctors based on factual conversati...NLP,Medical Classification
433.32M 528
全天候道路图像分割数据集UAS(UESTC All-Day Scenery) UAS共包含6380张不同时间和天气条件的图像,包括1399张在黄昏拍摄的样本、2167张在夜间拍摄的样本,819张在雨中拍摄的样本和1995...Environment,Environment 2D Panoptic Segmentation
296.34M 637
CMP门面数据库,世界各地不同的城市,建筑风格 我们展示了一个在机器感知中心组装的立面图像数据集,其中包括来自各种来源的606幅立面校正图像,这些图像已被手动注释。立面来...Industry 2D Box
53M 362
文本检测数据集icdar2015 文本检测数据集icdar2015...Research 2D Polyline
129.64M 515
MultitaskPainting100k数据集 用于艺术风格AIGC生成 The dataset used for the evaluation of our multitask deep multibranch neural network has been obtained from the Painter...NLP,Arts and Entertainment,Art,RNN 2D Box,Classification
51.2G 542
CASIA-SURF CeFA 人脸活体检测数据集 CASIA-SURF CeFA 人脸活体检测数据集 发布于2019年,这是一个活体检测数据集,包括1000个人的21000个视频,数据集通过Intel Real...Person,Depth Estimation 2D Box
12.6G 672
Reddit - Finance Posts 金融帖子 Reddit submissions from finance/investment/stock related posts:r/wallstreetbets: #775326 (2021-01-01 00:02:06 - 2021-12-...NLP,News Text
1.24G 467
大豆.叶.数据集,毛虫和Diabrotica Speciosa危害大豆叶片,5万份大豆样本 For this dataset, we used 50k soybean samples collected from thematic maps produced by the Global Land AnalysisDiscovery...Agriculture Classification
822M 819
多个心血管结构的分割数据集,多心血管结构分割的深度学习 Segmentation of cardiovascular images is resource-intensive. Authors have designed an automated deep learning method for...Medical Classification
410M 826
新冠肺炎开放研究数据集(CORD-19) n response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the White House and a coalition of leading research groups have prepared the COVID-...Medical Classification
87.52G 1387
CelebA-Spoof 具有丰富注释的大规模人脸反欺骗数据集 CelebA-Spoof 是一个大规模的人脸反欺骗数据集,包含来自 10,177 个主题的 625,537 张图像,其中包括人脸、光照、环境和欺骗类型...Person,Face 2D Box,Classification
71.7G 802
“货架和手提包”基准数据集 The benchmark dataset contains 452 scenes with 2087 unique object poses seen from multiple viewpoints. In total, there a...Image Search,Deep Learning Classification
5.4G 829
UCI胎儿心电图 UCI胎儿心电图...Python,Heart Conditions,Categorical Data,Physical Classification
1.66M 390
comma2k19 高速公路上通勤超过 33 小时的数据集 presents comma2k19, a dataset of over 33 hours of commute in California's 280 highway. This means 2019 segm...Vehicle,Autonomous Driving 2D Box
88.1G 735
CODA:用于自动驾驶目标检测的真实道路拐角案例数据集 CODA is the world's first real-world self-driving corner case dataset of 1500 scenes (frames) containing nearly 6K c...Autonomous Driving 2D Box
652.3M 735