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LFW (Labled Faces in the Wild)人脸数据集 LFW (Labled Faces in the Wild)人脸数据集:是目前人脸识别的常用测试集,其中提供的人脸图片均来源于生活中的自然场景,因此...Person,Face 2D Box,2D Keypoints
180.63M 1763
微软表格数据集TableBank TableBank 是一个新的基于图像的表格检测和识别数据集,利用互联网上 Word 和 Latex 文档的新颖弱监督构建,包含 417K 高质量标...MNIST Classification
23.1G 813
Warblr众包语音数据集 Music Analysis Audio
4.3G 646
用于室内定位和导航数据集的BLE RSSI数据集 Data Set Information:该数据集是使用西密歇根大学沃尔多图书馆一楼13个ibeacons阵列的RSSI读数创建的。数据是用iphone6s收集的...Computer Classification
145M 936
mercari-ensemble mercari-ensemble的数据集数据结构为:...Others Classification
41.67M 559
better1sampleblend Others Classification
521.64M 461
ensemble3 Others Classification
0.89M 461
销售数据,办公用品供应商的Tableau样本数据 销售数据,办公用品供应商的Tableau样本数据...Business Classification
1.78M 407
problemsolvingapproach Others Classification
0.06M 496
BlreadySorted Others Classification
96.27M 424
xrayschest224 sblapo Others Classification
2137.29M 214
BLE RSSI加速器室内测量数据集,带有详细位置注释的室内RSSI+加速器测量 This repository offers smart-home wearable accelerometer and Radio Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) data acquired : 1) w...Business Classification
370.3M 469
用于室内本地化的 BLE RSSI 数据集 Internet,Universities and Colleges,Multiclass Classification Classification
0.65M 309
字母四重奏 3BLD Arts and Entertainment Classification
0.54M 421
用于自动视频编辑的视频 Blooper 数据集 Arts and Entertainment,Deep Learning,Multiclass Classification,People,Video Data Classification
1154.53M 245
Myrepublicid 推特数据 Arts and Entertainment,Online Communities,Social Networks,Email and Messaging Classification
3.28M 194
2econsultingweblog Others Classification
709.97M 269
赛古兰事件#xE7;pública2018 Others Classification
19.14M 196
229.14M 525
蔬菜(HLBL嵌入) Computer Science,NLP Classification
742.24M 275