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掩护射击英雄识别 Arts and Entertainment,Games,Image Data,Video Games,Deep Learning,Multiclass Classification Classification
1017.12M 388
帕金森病(PD)分类 Computer Science,Classification,Diseases,Feature Engineering Classification
5.06M 440
创业融资 Others Classification
0.3M 667
RIP Harambe Text Data Classification
0.26M 511
逻辑回归实践 Others Classification
3K 463
2019年印度大选 India Classification
3.45M 483
ScriptsTaller5 Others Classification
0.01M 783
马男波杰克(第一季到第五季) Arts and Entertainment,Comics and Animation Classification
0M 392
Landmark-test Others Classification
194.14M 429
893.83M 437
893.83M 456
额外files2 Others Classification
6.44M 428
恶意和良性url,检测恶意 URL ContextThis dataset was created to tackle the problem of malicious URLs on the internet. ContentThe dataset was acquired...Binary Classification Classification
8.54M 776
额外的文件 Others Classification
0.39M 450
奥斯卡奖,1927-2015 Movies and TV Shows Classification
0.76M 358
SciRate quant-ph Earth and Nature,Education,Standardized Testing,Universities and Colleges,Linguistics,Physics,Research Classification
32.49M 496
科幻口袋妖怪Go刷出-德拉蒂尼 Video Games Classification
3.34M 473
情绪、衰老和情绪 Business,Linguistics Classification
39.29M 384
电影对白片段提取 Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Movies and TV Shows Classification
0M 537
来自美国国家桥梁清单的60万座桥梁的数据 The United State Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) collects and updates information on the nation's bridges...Business,Earth and Nature,Arts and Entertainment,Transportation Classification
298.39M 591