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NYT SHSAT HTML表复制和粘贴 Others Classification
0.41M 486
CustomerChurnRate Others Classification
0.03M 458
FastAI wt103型号20180328 #数据集该数据集是由nickl在数据文件下发布的?原始作者#内容它包含以下文件:...Others Classification
3.22G 465
Kraken XRP/美元交易2018年1月至6月 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
79.15M 926
OneHundredManOneHundredWomen Arts and Entertainment Classification
3.93M 362
SCHPROMA Others Classification
24.99M 394
PBA比赛得分(1980-1999) Sports,Games,Basketball Classification
0.29M 515
斯坦福汽车数据集,Keras ImageGenerator一起使用的斯坦福汽车数据集 ContextThis is the Stanford car dataset. The difference is the .zip file contains all the images with this structure: -...Automobiles and Vehicles,Multiclass Classification Classification
1.83G 714
headbrain Others Classification
3K 465
Kraken BTZ /美元交易 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
431.12M 437
Bitstamp BTZ /美元交易 Currencies and Foreign Exchange Classification
152.89M 388
2017年纽约市SHSAT考试结果 Education,Standardized Testing,Data Visualization,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
0.05M 457
custDatasets Others Classification
0.03M 495
国家dataFrame Others Classification
0.13M 508
QureAI HeadCT读取 Others Classification
0.07M 463
Pretrained权重 Others Classification
12.45M 445
kaggle提交数据v1 Others Classification
9.36M 476
kiva贷款数据加入 Others Classification
180M 490
巴基斯坦shapefile Others Classification
2.05M 520
Basketballoptimisation Others Classification
0.29M 448