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Statlog(陆地卫星)数据集 Ashwin Srinivasan Department of Statistics and Data Modeling University of Strathclyde Glasgow Scotland UK ross '@&#...Physical Classification
91.3K 1001
Statlog(心脏)数据集 N/AData Set Information:Cost Matrix_______ abse presabsence 01presence 50where the rows represent the true values a...Life Classification
3K 786
环境辅助生活(AAL)数据集中用于人类活动识别(HAR)的智能手机数据集 -- Creators: Kadian Alicia Davis (1), Evans Boateng Owusu (2) 1 -- Department of Electrical, Electronic, Telecommunicati...Computer Classification
15.41M 763
皮肤分割数据集 Rajen Bhatt, Abhinav Dhall, rajen.bhatt '@', IIT Delhi.Data Set Information:The skin dataset is collec...Computer Classification
3.24M 1132
肩部植入物X射线制造商分类数据集 Kazunori Okada, kazokada '@', BIDAL: Biomedical Image and Data Analyses Lab, Department of Computer Sci...Life Classification
6M 804
SCADI数据集 自我护理问题分类的数据集 --Creators: S.M.M. Fatemi Bushehri, Moslem Dehghanizadeh, Shokoofeh Kalantar, Mohsen Sardari Zarchi * S.M.M. Fatemi Bush...Life Classification
4.8K 1025
土耳其种植的认证水稻 Osmancik品种和Cammeo品种数据集 Ilkay CINARGraduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Selcuk University, TURKEY,ORCID ID : 0000-0003-0611-3316lkay...Computer Classification
0M 949
QSAR鱼类毒性数据集 Davide Ballabio (davide.ballabio @, Matteo Cassotti, Viviana Consonni, Roberto Todeschini, Milano Chemometric...Physical Regression
30.5K 623
QSAR鱼类生物浓缩因子(BCF)数据集 Francesca Grisoni, University of Milano-Bicocca, Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Milano ChemometricsQSAR Rese...Life Regression
144K 617
PPG DaLiA是基于PPG的心率估计的公开数据集 Data Set Information:PPG DaLiA是基于PPG的心率估计的公开数据集。该多模式数据集的特点是,15名受试者在接近现实生活的条件下...Computer Regression
2.7G 1315
PPGDaLiA 扑克手势数据集 Data Set Information:每一张唱片都是一手牌的例子,这手牌由从52张标准牌组中抽出的五张扑克牌组成。每张卡片使用两个属性(西...Game Classification
5.37M 759
具有复制声学特征数据集的Parkinson数据集 Data Set Information:Important remarks before using this dataset: 1. Each row can not be used independently, because is...Life Classification
121K 695
PANDOR数据集(包括用户点击、优惠、评论数据) Massih-Reza AminiUniv. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS/LIGmassih-reza.amini '@' univ-grenoble-alpes.frCharlotte LaclauUniv....Computer Classification
4.6G 564
PAMAP2 体力活动监测数据集 Data Set Information:PAMAP2体力活动监测数据集包含9名佩戴3个惯性测量装置和心率监测器的受试者进行的18种不同体力活动(如步...Health Classification
656M 1916
黎巴嫩阿拉伯评论意见语料库(OCLAR)数据集 Data Set Information:OCLAR Marwan等人(2019年)的研究人员收集了来自([Web Link])和Zomato网站的广泛领域的阿拉伯客户评论...Computer Classification
374K 576
OCT数据和左右眼彩色眼底图像数据集 Tahereh Mahmudi; Rahele Kafieh; Hossein Rabbani; Alireza Mehri dehnavi; Mohammadreza AkhlagiData Set Information:OCT dat...Computer Classification
5K 993
Nomao实验室数据集 (a) Original owner of database (name / phone / snail address / email address)Nomao / 00 33 5 62 48 33 90 / 1 avenue Jean...Computer Classification
1.6M 603
分子生物学(启动子基因序列)数据集,可用于评估一种混合学习算法(KBANN) Data Set Information:This dataset has been developed to help evaluate a hybrid learning algorithm (KBANN) that uses exam...Life Classification
5K 653
MoCap手姿势数据集,可用于进行姿势识别 Data Set Information:Vicon运动捕捉摄像头系统用于记录12名使用者在左手手套上贴上标记,进行5种手部姿势。手套背面的刚性标记...Action/Event Detection Classification
32.4M 704
MHEALTH(移动健康)数据集 Oresti Banos, Department of Computer Architecture and Computer Technology, University of Granada Rafael Garcia, Departme...Health Classification
72.1M 788