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AFLW2K3D 一个包含 2000 张图像的数据集 AFLW2000-3D 是一个包含 2000 张图像的数据集,这些图像已使用图像级 68 点 3D 面部标志进行注释。该数据集通常用于评估 3D 面部...Person,Face 3D Keypoints
83.36M 529
Bair Robot Pushing Others Others
30.06G 477
Downsampled Imagenet Others No Label
15.71G 486
BigEarthNet Others Classification
65.22G 763
ARID Others Classification
1.16G 405
VGGFace2 Others 2D Box,Classification,2D Keypoints
37.26G 480
Contour Drawing Others Others
320.07M 636
Argoverse Others 3D Box Tracking
260.91G 325
Stanford Drone When humans navigate a crowed space such as a university campus or the sidewalks of a busystreet, they follow common sen...Others 2D Box Tracking
66.13G 580
Da Vinci Others Others
126.23M 414
23.37M 769
11.59M 812
Bee or Wasp Others Classification
558.83M 588
PandaSet Others 3D Box
41.46G 386
2.11G 393
Tongji Parking-slot Dataset 2.0 Others Classification,2D Keypoints
2.24G 617
1.66T 625
Kenyan Food Type Others Classification
1.3G 614
Kenyan Food or Nonfood Others Classification
21.83G 739
Lane Marker Others 2D Polyline
141.78G 417