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2017年Kaggle调查 Computer Science,Education Classification
27.87M 461
训练数据集 Others Classification
322.16M 515
0.01M 514
trainmercari Software Classification
469.24M 474
Mercari品牌列表 Retail and Shopping Classification
0.41M 532
挪威国家石油公司冰山提交 Others Classification
1.01M 478
fastText 预训练词向量数据集 fastText Pre-trained word vectors English...Others Classification
8.49G 567
二级分类 Animal Classification
0.01M 479
航班 Aviation Classification
618.11M 480
微博 Internet,Online Communities,Email and Messaging,Healthcare,Dentistry Classification
68.18M 435
scikit学习 Others Classification
2.89M 601
美国邮政编码为lat和long United States,Geography Classification
0.89M 506
预测 Religion and Belief Systems,Gambling Classification
2M 395
预测 Religion and Belief Systems Classification
2M 512
足球运动员的工资数据 ContentThis dataset contains salaries of 5.5k footbal players including next columns:positionplayerteamagetotal_valueavg...Sports,Football Classification
0.4M 475
GatesNLP NLP,Deep Learning Classification
342.81M 427
StudentMathScores Education,Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
0.95M 758
amit dharam Others Classification
7.34M 484
fasttext Others Classification
4307.46M 476
用于图像检索的城市建筑 Computer Science,Education,Classification,Computer Vision,Art,Cities and Urban Areas Classification
81.32M 454