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MoVi Others Classification
0 698
FRSign Others 2D Box,Classification
0 443
RoadText-1K Others 2D Box Tracking
0 538
IMDb-Face Others 2D Box,Classification
0 465
AMASS Please visit the official website of this dataset for details...Others Classification
0M 894
UAV-GESTURE Others Classification
0 481
MVC Others Classification
0 469
WSVD Others Optical Flow,Others
0 507
ImageNet-A Please visit the official website of this dataset for details...Others Classification
0M 456
EmotioNet 面部表情数据集 The EmotioNet database includes 950,000 images with annotated AUs. These were annotated withthe algorithm described inBe...Face 2D Box
0M 2258
REDS Others Classification
0 927
ERA Others Classification
0 811
OpenNEURO Others Classification
0 443
NoW Others Classification
0 819
3D 人数据集 3D 人数据集包含具有特定几何图形表示的着装人类的第一个数据集。它包含约200万张图像,其中40位男性/ 40位女性执行70个动作。每...Pose Estimation 3D Box
0M 603
KMNIST Others Classification
0 458
Cross-domain Object Others 2D Box
0 421
SVD Others Classification
0 762
WebLogo 2M Others 2D Box
0 603
DAGM 2007 competition Others 2D Polygon
0 355