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IMDB 数据集 5 万电影评论 Business,Internet,Movies and TV Shows,Text Data Classification
63.14M 478
阿普托斯512 Others Classification
2116.57M 174
马里兰州犯罪数据(按县)1975-2016年 Social Science,Crime,Maryland Classification
0.19M 418
阿普托斯256 Others Classification
606.81M 180
AMZN, DPZ, BTC, NTFX 调整 2013 年 5 月 - 2019 年 5 Business,Finance,Investing,Currencies and Foreign Exchange,Time Series Analysis Classification
0.08M 192
KITTI2015-场景流量评估 2015 Others Classification
1602.97M 234
Nifty 500 基本统计数据 Business,Finance,Economics,India Classification
0.06M 435
标普500指数数据 Others Classification
1.17M 177
美国教育成就 [1995-2015] Business,Education,Social Science,United States Classification
1.22M 171
IMet ResNet50 Others Classification
5008.58M 521
2015年 RecSys 挑战赛 Arts and Entertainment Classification
1825.44M 204
兰普雷德 30k50k NLP,Deep Learning Classification
4.88M 189
兰测试 - 50k - 30k Arts and Entertainment Classification
236.59M 184
兰火车样本 - 30k - 50k - 150k Business Classification
1026.24M 215
自定义丢失epoch 0.75 lr 3e-6 Others Classification
417.71M 202
xtrain12345公司 Others Classification
2433.78M 247
20181025第3版 Others Classification
60.38M 248
00001075 000 Others Classification
0.38M 378
Mel256版本2 1 Others Classification
7171.79M 186
0510ver1we公司 Others Classification
414.8M 437