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车型图片数据集,共3000多张图分有26个小类,每类约120张左右 本数据集按照国标进行车型分类图片下载(中国新车网:共分有8大类,26小类。为尽量保证每类车型图...PIL 2D Box
45.76M 491
ICCV 2013 自动面部地标检测,野外拍摄的300张人脸图像的真实世界数据集 The first Automatic Facial Landmark Detection in-the-Wild Challenge (300-W 2013) to be held in conjunction with Internat...Person,Deep Learning 2D Box
1.99G 576
Caltech256图像数据集,256 个对象类别中的30000多张图像 The Caltech 256 is considered an improvement to its predecessor, the Caltech 101 dataset, with new features such as larg...Classification,Image Data,Universities and Colleges Classification
2.12G 508
ADS-16计算广告数据集,由120位不熟悉的人投票选出的300个真实广告集合 In the last decade, new ways of shopping online have increased the possibility of buying products and services more easi...Business,Marketing Classification
1.5G 531
DSBS300 DSBS300...Action/Event Detection,Asia 2D Panoptic Segmentation
89.57M 306
300 Face in Wild 人脸检测数据集 300 Face in Wild 是一个人脸识别和轮廓标注数据,该数据及也是机器视觉等级会议 ICCV 2013 人脸检测竞赛所使用的数据集。...Person,Face Classification
1.4G 544
300个正方形,圆形和三角形的图像数据集 形状有很多不同的类型,因此能够区分它们很重要;专为初学者学习神经网络而设计的数据集。...Image Search Classification
402K 893
glove300dd1 glove300dd1的数据集数据结构为:glove.6B.300d.txt...Others Classification
343.1M 447
300探测AUCs从Don't Overfit II感谢@salimali激发了我的数据科学之旅...Linear Regression Classification
1K 352
glove.840B.300d-char Others Classification
0.25M 384
word2vec-negative300 #数据集该数据集由myhnguyen创建,在CC0:Public Domain#Contents下发布。它包含以下文件:...Others Classification
1.64G 356
googlenews-vectors-negative300 Others Classification
3475.44M 400
GoogleNews-vectors-negative300 Software Classification
3475.44M 339
5.35M 315
乌尔都语300 Others Classification
2488.57M 302
300 张正方形、圆形和三角形的图像 我在处理过程中画了100个三角形、100个正方形和100个圆圈。每个 png 图像是28x28像素的图像是在3个文件夹标记为正方形,圆形和三...Arts and Entertainment,Computer Science,Image Data,Biology Classification
390K 553
腌制的帕拉格拉姆 300 sl999 Business,Food Classification
80.48M 210
维基新闻 300d 1M 子字 Arts and Entertainment Classification
2152.31M 239
手套 840B300d Others Classification
0.25M 158
2580.43M 167