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2016年3月ML狂热预测 Computer Science,Games,Basketball,Gambling,Artificial Intelligence Classification
88.28M 413
IMDB v3 Movies and TV Shows Classification
1.58M 433
final123 Others Classification
0.88M 420
molecule3 Others Classification
1655.71M 433
lr减少阶段3模型 Others Classification
1670.84M 510
DWDM星期3 Others Classification
1K 427
《盗梦空间3ch》八月 Movies and TV Shows,Retail and Shopping Classification
469.85M 405
YOLOv3是护理符号 Health Classification
235.67M 442
数据训练版本3 Others Classification
36.89M 446
DataTrainVer3 Others Classification
19.32M 511
三年洗发水的销售情况,3年内每月销售的洗发水数量 This dataset describes the monthly number of sales of shampoo over a 3-year period.ContentThe units are a sales count an...Business Classification
1K 389
CSE 5523机器学习调色板分类器 Computer Science Classification
1607.01M 401
microdados censo escolar 2013 Primary and Secondary Schools Classification
16231.5M 362
FER2013 Image Data Classification
287.13M 651
1937-2018年多伦多气候数据,加拿大多伦多 80 年的天气数据 1937-2018年多伦多气候数据,加拿大多伦多 80 年的天气数据...Weather and Climate,Atmospheric Science Classification
134K 450
Mfcc128v3 Others Classification
4926.03M 446
CMS值修改器性能年2013-2015 Socrata Classification
15.85M 654
1K 439
5.35M 430
数据-测验3 Others Classification
0.54M 433